Zayn Left 1D?!

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I swear I am SOOO out of the loop with this kind of gossip and other kind of news.

Plane crashes? I hear.

Earthquakes and other natural disasters? I hear.

And you know why I know all of this stuff?

It's because instead of being a gossip, Starbucks loving, designer clothes, snapchat addict, teenage girl...

... Which is like a good 70% of the girls at my school...

I'm a mature, young adult, who eats dinner with my loving parents and we watch NBC Nightly News at 6:30.

That's the news station I tune into for my news.

Access Hollywood? Forget about it!

This news took me COMPLETELY by surprise.

I took to Twitter to see if it was raging and surprisingly, from the feed I was getting... Nothing.

No surprises what so ever.

Except for my cousin who sent out a tweet that I... Uh... Won't repeat.

It just won't be the same without him.

I don't go all "gaga" over them, but I did enjoy some of their music.

Zayn Malik, you had a good run.

We will miss you.

.... On the plus side, LESS 1D FANFICS ON WATTPAD!


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