Sometimes She's Just... UGH!!!

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Okay, so here's the dealio!

My parents went out for a date night last night, so I had the house to myself.

My dad asked me what I was going to do while they were out, and I replied with:

"Video chatting with a friend, and then playing some video games."

He said "Good, have fun."

So that's what I did! I video chatted with my friend for like an hour, then I played some video games, watched the House of Mouse Christmas Special, worked on Disney Wizards, and then I went to bed.

Now I woke up this morning, went down stairs, had cereal, posted a birthday video I made for my cousin, and then I went back to work on Wattpad.

However not even a minute into that, my step-mom asked me;

"What are you doing?"

"Working on my stories on Wattpad?"

And then she gives me this look and replied with;

"You need to get dressed, and get to studying cause you didn't do any work yesterday, so you need to study your butt off today."


... Hold up! Back the truck up!

1) First of all, you or dad never told me to do any work while you guys were out.

2) My dad, on the way home from comic con, even told me to have fun and play my video games and such while they were out. He didn't say NOTHING about homework.

3) IT'S A SATURDAY! Who the heck does homework or study on a Saturday?!

Friday nights and Saturdays are for having fun and relaxing, TAKING A BREAK FROM SCHOOL! Sundays are dedicated to homework.

That's the routine I've been living for all of these years, and I ain't changing that!

I know my step-mom cares about me and my education and all, but...

... Sometimes she just gets me so...


Know what I mean?


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