Chapter 59: Bloody Case

Start from the beginning

Nawin close his eyes and take a deep breath, he move his head to the side narrowly dodging a fire blast aiming for his head. Nawin open his eyes to see Akame appear above him, delivering a drop kick which he blocks easily with his left arm.

Akame wasn't finish sending a fist toward her king face which he block with his right hand. "Nice try you two" Nawin eyes flash red seeing Hana appears beside him trying to grab the necklace. The Makasha quickly move his left hand to the black haired wrist and throw her into Hana, sending the girls back to the ground.

"You two need to work harder to get an opening from me" Nawin said crossing his arm, the two girls get up and charge toward the Makasha making him raise his eyebrow wondering why their acting to reckless. Akame summons the black thunder alerting Nawin who summon the twisted etcher blocking the incoming attack, Hana send a kick to his feet making him jump, "Tsk" Nawin click his tongue then in midair he send a kick to Akame sword sending it the other side freeing the twisted etcher.

Nawin quickly start the engine making the chain spin and send the sword down to Hana seeing her trying to grab the necklace, but Akame quickly appear beside the green haired blocking the attack, Nawin eyes widen slightly seeing Hana's hand are inches away from the necklace.

"I don't think so" Suddenly dozen of shadow weapons appear around Nawin and push the two back barreling to the ground. "Ow" Hana groan rubbing her back from the hard impact then looks up seeing dozen of weapons circling around Nawin who look at them stoically with his red glowing eyes.

"Not yet" Akame dash forward and grab the black thunder that is laid a few feet away from Nawin making his eyes widen 'SHIT!' "LIGHTNING STREAM" the black thunder blade burst in red electric and send a lighting stream toward Nawin shocking him "AHHHH" "HANA NOW" Akame shout making the green haired nod.

The shadow weapons shatter from the black haired losing concentration, Hana appear beside him and reach for the necklace, but she is stop when black lighting sparks around the Makasha body, he extends both his arms "Demonic Stream!" the two girls scream in pain as black electricity strike around their body then both is sent flying back and crash into the ground hard creating a giant crater.

Nawin shake his head getting rid of the dizziness and see the two on the ground moaning in pain. "That was a smart move, I'll admit you guys caught me off guard with that" Nawin says as the two stand back up. Akame grab her sword and run forward in blinding speed, Nawin eyes flash red, he summon a gun blade and block the strike, at the corner of his sight he can spot Hana preparing for an attack.

Nawin push Akame back and kick her in the stomach, then switch his blade into a gun mode and fire at Hana making her move away, "Damn" she curse and was about to turn but is stop when a fist is slam into her face sending her barreling across the field.

Nawin land down on the ground gently, then check his watch seeing it's already past 20 minute, he dispels the gun blade "Okay, you two, the time is up" he announce, reaching for the necklaces and throw them to the two surprising the girls.

"What I thought we failed?" Hana said confuse holding necklace closely "I never said anything about you not getting it if you guys failed did I?" Nawin replies. Akame inspect the ring closely, seeing a beautiful white diamond place in the beautiful craft black ring, "I want you two to wear the ring in any fingers you want, it is a sign that you are on my team, and it will prove useful in the future..." Nawin explain.

"Why don't you have one Nawin-kun?" Akame ask, sliding the ring on her middle finger while Hana puts on her ring finger, Nawin chuckle a bit, then raise his right hand up showing the ring on his index finger but instead of a white diamond it is red. "Only us and the future member of this group will receive these ring and you must keep them in your fingers at all time, I'm sure you've noticed it's extremely comfortable to wear that you don't even feel like anything is on your finger's" Nawin said making the two nods looking at their rings.

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