#19 Let me leave (Part 2)

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During the night you woke up continuously. But somehow Thomas was still dead asleep.

You stared at him, examining his current state. Then you sighed quietly and got out of bed, still in your clothes. You quietly gathered some clothes together and tossed them into a red and black duffle bag. You grabbed your phone, wallet... but you left the keys.

When you went downstairs you grabbed a paper and pen and began to write.

Then you were out the door.

Thomas Pov

Thomas awakened slowly and he rubbed his eyes. Guilt immediately filled his veins as he was reminded of what he had done last night.

He turned to your side to wrap his arms around you but when he tried, you were gone... Your side of the bed left empty and cold. He immediately sat up, fear filling him entirely.

He sat up quickly and grabbed his phone to see if there were any messages. None.

He then stood up, stumbling slightly as he went. He noticed the emptiness in the room. Your clothes were no longer on the floor, your laptop was no longer on your bed side table.

His heart began to pump fast as adrenaline took him over. He stumbled his way to the bathroom and sure enough your brush wasnt there.

He still had a slight hope that you were home so, he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He realized your skateboard was no longer pressed against the wall.

He saw a white piece of paper there, crumpled on the counter. His heart ran faster and his body got shaky.

He knew he made a mistake but he thought he could fix it, just say sorry and move on with the day.

He slowly approached the counter, his hand gripped the paper and held it and his eyes scanned over the page. His eyes immediately got teary and he cursed words quietly threw his tears.

Dear Thomas,

I'm sorry. I shouldnt have kept bothering you like that and its my fault. I mean, if loving you so much is a crime then it's my fault. I dont ask where you're going because im worried, i ask because i am genuinely interested in hearing what you have in store for the day. I dont ask when you'll be back because i think you're sleeping with another girl, i ask because i love you and i want you to be here so i can spend time with you. Also sorry for being 'Irritating' . So i'm sorry, you dont have to work so hard anymore. Move into an apartment with yourself and get rid of the stuff i left behind. and dont look for me..

Let me leave



I didnt like that one...... meh....... it was bad

anyways, did you like it? give me the honest truth, i can take it.


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