Chapter Sixteen- She Said

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Niall’s POV

Louis and I walk into the room that our interview is being held. We sit on a couch across from an older lady. Probably in her early thirties. She hands us our microphones and we start the interview.

“I am here with two fifths of the boys of One Direction! Niall and Louis.”

“Hello.” Louis and I speak at the same time and he hits my arm laughing.

“Now you all have been in LA for almost two weeks correct?”

“Yeah.” I answer and Lou nods.

“How has that been?”

“Ahh I think it’s been great really. We don’t usually stay in the same place for so long so actually being able to relax was fun.” Louis responds and she smiles at him before turning to me.

“Well we know you have been having fun with a certain girl...” She smiles and I blush a little.

“Yeah I have.”

“Uh huh. And how are you and Miss Walton?”

“We’re fine. She’s a nice girl and we have a nice time together...”

“And she’s coming to our show tonight.” Louis chirps in and I punch his arm.

“Ahh!! I would love to hear more but you two have a show to get ready for and we are all out of time.” Louis and I nod and stand from the couch. “It was great meeting you boys. Have a great show.”

“Thank you and it was great meeting you too.” I wave.

“Bye.” Louis does the same and we head down the hall and too the back of the stage to get ready.

And so it begins.

This has got to be one of the best shows yet. We wrap up the twitter questions and get ready to perform our last song. Moments. Our seats are brought to the stage and I look over at Blair. She’s in a green halter top with a four leaf clover necklace, white shorts and a pair of green Chuck Taylor’s. She waves at me and I nod my head and start playing the song. My solo comes up and I make sure I have Blair’s gaze hooked on mine.

Close the door

Throw the key

Don’t wanna be reminded

Don’t wanna be seen

Don’t wanna be without you

My judgement's clouded

Like tonight's sky

Cockiness (A One Direction Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें