Chapter One- Dibs

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Zayn’s POV

I wake up with one of the worst hangovers ever. Last night was so much fun even if I don’t remember as much as I should. I remember getting in and dancing for a little while, but after that it’s a bit fuzzy. I stumble out of bed and take a quick shower before figuring out where everyone is. I’m usually the last to get up and more than likely they are in Liam’s room. I get dressed and make my way down the hotel hall to Li’s room and what do you know. All the lads are there. Eyes bloodshot and half asleep.

“Well it’s nice to see you’re up Zayn.” Liam speaks while handing me an aspirin and water.

“Thanks.” I mumble before plopping next to Louis on the bed taking the painkillers and drinking the water Liam handed me.

“Alright lads get up!” Liam yells and claps his hands causing us all to wince at the loudness.

“God shut the hell up Liam! It’s too early and I’m way too hungover to hear you yell.” Niall speaks from the sofa in the room while throwing a pillow at Liam.

“Fine then I guess you don’t want to see which girls I chose for your last game then do you?” Liam yelled once again and we all scurry over to him and his laptop.

“Who are they?” Harry asks pushing Niall and I out the way.

“Well Hollywood calls them the Terrible Trio. They are Blair Walton, the girl whose family owns the hotel. Tess Baxter, her father owns the largest oil production company in the US. And Jacey Stone, her dad...” Liam trails off and starts laughing.

“What is it Li?” Louis hits his arm and Liam goes to compose himself.

“Sorry, but this is just too good. Her father is one of our record label producers.” Liam laughs again and all of our mouths hang wide open. This could be interesting.

“Alright Liam who do we pick for each boy.” Louis pretend to stroke a beard that’s not there.

“Well I think Tess will be great for Zayn.”

“I could see that.” Louis nods and I sigh. Leave it to me to get the spoiled bitchy rich girl whose daddy owns an oil company.

“I think Niall should get Blair.” I hear Niall sigh and lean his head back onto the bed. I laugh at his reaction. Leave it to Liam to give Niall the stupid airhead of the group.

“That fits!” Louis laughs and Niall kicks him in the bum. “Ouch!”

“And that leaves Harry and Jacey.”

“Oh no I am not getting her.” Harry stands off of the bed and folds his arms across his chest.

“Oh someone afraid they will lose the bet.” I coo and Harry shakes his head.

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