Chapter Twelve- Cock Block

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(A/N all the love this story is getting makes my life!!!! Thank you all so much for reading and voting for this story! I'm glad you like it so much it means a lot to me!!! Xx)

Jace’s POV

I wake up to a loud ringing. It’s not my alarm clock (which I never set) it’s my phone. I groan and roll over to my bedside table and pick it up not bothering to look at the name.

“Hello?” My morning voice is hoarse and I hate the way it sounds.

“Bitch wake up so we can get some breakfast!” Tess yells through the phone and I can hear Blair in the background laughing.

“Ugh you two are so annoying.”

“Just get up and meet us at our spot.” Tess responds before hanging up.

I sigh loudly and make my way to my bathroom to shower, brush my teeth and do my hair, which consist of me letting it air dry and curl up. I find a pair of jeans and a tshirt and step into my Vans before leaving my place to meet Blair and Tess for breakfast. I pull up in front of the cafe we always go to for breakfast when we need to talk. I get out my car and hand the valet my keys before walking to the table Tess and Blair are sitting at. They are laughing but their body structure says they want to talk about something more.

“Hey.” I smile before sitting across from Tess and next to B.

“Nice of you to finally show up.” Tess smirks and I roll my eyes.

“We put your order in for you.” Blair smiles and I nod.

“Thank you. Now what’s going on?” I see Blair tense a little before relaxing with a fake smile.

“We were just talking about the bet.” I nod as Tess speaks.

“What about it?”

“How we feel about it? Like how are we all doing?” I can sense something in Blair’s voice but can’t pinpoint it.

“I... um... I think...” Luckily our food comes and I can collect my thoughts.

This is just a bet right? Nothing more. Harry and I...I really don’t know. He knows how to push my buttons and annoy me but he also makes me feel... special? It’s just something about that curly hair, those green eyes and those dimples! My goodness! I look over at Tess and Blair and see they are thinking about some things too. I clear my throat and both their heads snap up and out of their previous thoughts, forced smiles tugging on their lips.

“Right the bet...” B trails off looking at both Tess and I.

For a brief second I could have sworn I saw Tess’ forced smile recede and her frown at a thought. I really want at least one of them to be thinking the way I am.

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