Chapter Eighteen

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“All passengers boarding the 2:20 flight to San Diego, please head to Gate 96.”

                I quickly pay for my cup of coffee from the Starbucks in the airport then make my way towards Gate 96. The boys, as far as I know, have already boarded the plane. I had to make a quick stop to buy some coffee, considering it’s 2:20 AM and we’re at an airport. Right after the concert, we all headed to the airport; apparently, our luggage is already lodged in a hotel in San Diego.

                The lady at the counter looks at my ticket and steps aside, allowing me to board the plane. My eyes land on seat 14B, which is right in the front of the plane, 1st class, of course. I make my way to the seat and sit between Harry and an already asleep Zayn. Harry hardly even notices I’m there until he sees my reflection in the window that he was intently staring out of.

                “What’s on your mind, Styles?” I quietly ask, making sure not to wake Zayn.

                “Why do you think something’s on my mind?” He smiles, but I can tell it’s forced.

                “Well, I would hope something’s on your mind. Otherwise, you’d have a hollow head with no thoughts.”

                “Ha. Very funny.” He rolls his eyes before staring down at his fingers, twirling them around absentmindedly.

                Before I can pester him any further, the plane’s engines begin to roar and my attention is diverted to watching as we take off from the land and become one with the sky. Every now and then, I will glance at him from the corners of my eyes and notice that he is sporting the same expression that he had on the last time I checked on him; worry.

                Internal battles make my head throb as I debate if I should pester him once more, or leave him to his thoughts. Time passes by slowly, but finally, the engine cries quiet down and we all breathe a sigh of relief when the pilot announces that all passengers may unbuckle their seat belts if they wish. I open my mouth, finally deciding that now is as good as time as any to talk to Harry, and see if I can get the desired information from him, but apparently, fate doesn’t want me to disturb him, because he quietly pardons himself away and trudges past both me and the sleeping Zayn to make his way to Niall, who is sitting on the opposite side of the aisle.

                My eyes follow Harry’s slumping form as he lowers his lips to Niall’s ears, whispering something to his blond friend. Whatever secret Harry is so desperately keeping from me, I want to know what it is. Why can he tell Niall, but not me? What could he possibly be hiding? I know I should respect his right to not tell me everything, but it scares me when I know that he is, well, scared.

                Harry looks at Niall, then motions to me, and I can only stare, dumbfounded, as Niall’s smile contorts into the same, concerned look that Harry has been keeping plastered onto his usually careless features.

                Niall quietly unbuckles his seat belt, then stands up and makes his way past a few slumbering passengers, not stopping until he has traded seats with Harry. He stares at me for a few seconds then smiles. “Hi.”

                “Why did you switch seats with Harry?” I ask, not wanting to stray from my question.

                “Oh, he just wanted time to think.”


                “The tour.”

                “Why couldn’t he do that in his own seat?”

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