Preference Number 6

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Your Wedding


I fingered the lace on my dress, runing my fingers over it. It had been on Niall's mothers wedding dress and they had transfered it to mine.

We'd been dating for five years, engaged for two. And today was finally the day. The day I would walk down the aisle and pledge my love to him.

The doors opened and I let out a breath, suddenly feeling very nervous. It was a moderate wedding, held in a church in Mullingar.

I made my way down the aisle, my eyes locking with his. "I do" I whispered when my part came. "I do" His voice was strong. Then his lips pressed to mine as I threw my arms around his neck. He was mine.



My mum fiddled with the drapes of my skirt, making sure they lay just right. "Ready?" Louis asked, offering me his arm.

I nodded. My big brother was giving me away, to marry his best friend. "I love you Lou" I whispered, as we started to make our way across the lawn, heading towards the arch that had been set up.

"Love you too sis" Louis replied as we went down the aisle. We made it to the end and Louis placed my hand into Harry's. Louis pulled Harry into a hug, "You take good care of my sister mate" Louis grinned before taking his place as best man.

And so my wedding begun.


I woke up with a groan, my head pounding. I sat up, taking in my battered party dress. That was one hell of a night. I went partying with my boyfriend, Louis. I took in the massive hotel suite, which was not the one we checked into after arriving in Vegas yesterday morning.

I stood up, shaking my hair out slightly. I nudged Louis with my toe, he was asleep on the floor. He let out a groan before rolling over and going back to sleep.

I made my way to the bathroom, reaching out for a toothbrush to get rid of the awful taste in my mouth. As I did, a glimmer caught my eye. There on my ring finger was a simple gold band. Below it was the engagement ring Louis had bought me months ago.

I went back to the bedroom, looking at Louis' left hand. He had a matching band. "Louis" I said, nudging him again, "Louis!"

"What?" He groaned.

"We got married last night"


I walked down the aisle on my Dads arm. Our wedding was big, held at his mosque. It was a strange wedding, a cross between Muslim and Christian.

"I love you" Zayn whispered as I made it to him. "I love you too" I whispered as we turned to the preist for the beginning prayers.

Only an hour later we were married.


I took Paul's arm cautiously. My parents were dead, so I asked Paul to give me away. It was a small wedding. Just close family and friends. The One Direction boys, Simon, Liam's family. My cousins and aunt. Just a small wedding, in Liam's mum's back yard.

I stepped across the grass, my simple white dress fluttering around me. I gripped Pauls arm tightly. "Don't let me fall" I whispered. I was a clumsy person, hence the reason I wasn't even wearing high heels.

"I wont" He chuckled, as we rounded the corner, facing down the aisle. There were small flowers scattered all the way along, and the guests all turned, as the piano started to play.

"I promise to love you forever" Liam started his vowels and as I looked into his eyes I knew. He was the one for me.

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