Let's Tell The World (Lilo Paynlinson)

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"Leeeeeyum" I yelled, my voice echoing through the flat. "Yes, Lou?" I heard my boyfriend yell back from the kitchen. I quickly pulled myself out of bed and put on some sweatpants, leaving the shirt off and waltzing into the kitchen. "I wanna tell the world" He laughed at my shirtless state, "Tell the world what exactly?" 

"That we're together, I'm sick of hiding it; I love you Liam Payne, and I want the world to know". He smiled. We had been going out for a year now and still had to keep the affection outside of the flat to a minimum. We came out to the boys three months in to the relationship, and they were very supportive. It made home life easier, because we could love and affectionate al we wanted.

"Well, Lou, when you put it like that" I grinned, knowing I had won him over. I pulled him in for a kiss, loving the feel and taste of his lips. We deepened the kiss, but broke apart when Harry walked in. It was known by know that he didn't like the first thing he saw when he woke up to be us locking lips. 

"Guys, we have that interview later today, and Lou, put a shirt on please" Harry reminded us, grabbing a coffee and leaving the kitchen.

(Later on, at the interview)

Liam was sitting on the couch, bouncing his knee up and down nervously. We had been given the ok to come out from management and it was all systems go. We didn't know how we were going to announce it; we were just going to wing it. I placed my hand on his knee, forcing him to stop bouncing it. "Li, it’s going to be ok" I said, staring into his eyes. "But, what if the fans hate us? What if we cause the band to fail?" "Hey, sure we may lose a couple of fans, but the true Directioners won' mind, they love us no matter what, okay?" He nodded, and I gave him a quick peck on the lips, making sure no one was around first.

I knew that I was probably going to have to announce it, due to the fact Liam was almost too nervous to speak, jumping at every question that May, the interviewer, asked him.

"So, Louis, what do you think of parliaments plans to legalize gay marriage?" This was the perfect question, now how to answer it. "Well May, if parliament was to legalize gay marriage, the first thing I would do, is go to a jewellery shop and buy an engagement ring for my boyfriend"

"Boyfriend?" "Yes, I am gay, and proud of it!" I exclaimed, making the audience laugh. "So how long have you been in a relationship with this mystery guy?" "Over a year now, he is the best, and I love him, with all my heart" The audience 'awwww'ed. I looked to the guys beside me, finding them all smiling. Liam even had a tear dripping down his face.

"Are we allowed to know his name?" May asked, as though she was expecting me to say no. "Well, it’s someone you all know, every single one of you. My amazing boyfriend the one and only Liam Payne" The amount of gasps from the audience was enough to break a world record.

I stood up, and shoved Zayn over so I could sit next to Li. I plunked myself down, and threw my arm over his shoulder, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting to say that" I commented. Liam relaxed, leaning back into my chest slightly and letting out a breath. 

The world finally knew.

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