Forever Young

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A/N This isn't the prompt I promised, my brother disconnected my internet and I lost the entire peice I had written, and I was almost finished GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. So after the internet came back on I was listening to YouTube songs and came across Forever Young again, and it inspired this one-shot. The prompt will be up soonish, I have to re-write the entire thing.

I stepped up onto the stage, wobbling slightly. I turned back once more, exchanging a glace with my older brother, Niall, then I continued.

I managed to make it to the middle of the stage, swaying as I came to a stop. I knew I didn't look good, I never did these days. My cheeks were hollow, clothes hanging off me and no amount of make-up could disguise the paleness of my cheeks. I looked like a moving, talking corpse. My hair hung limp, with no color left.

"This will be my last song on x-factor" I whispered into the microphone. The judges had been pre-warned, but the crowd was shocked. So many people were yelling and screaming, many of them calling out why.

"Three years ago I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I've been fighting it since I was 15 and it's not looking so good anymore" My voice was strong, despite what I was saying. I had long come to terms with my fate, with death.  I was more concerned about Niall. He was my twin, my other half, and my death would tear him apart.

He had already given up so much for me. He gave me his time, he was always there. He paid for my treatments, even working two jobs right through high school. For crying out loud he gave me a kidney. I didn't ask, he just gave. 

"This song is for my brother, I love you to bits Ni, and I'm sorry for putting you through all of this" I whispered into the microphone, before the music began to play.


"Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while" my voice was shaky, but strengthed out. "Heaven can wait, we're only watching the sky's" I continued, letting my body flow into the music.


I watched as Sybil sang, voice strong despite the frailty of her body. It amzed me that she could be so strong, that she kept going. Her video diary for the week had been filmed in a hospital bed, with tubes running out of her body.

"Youth is like diamonds in the sun, and diamonds are forever" she sang beautifully, and for the billionth time I cursed this world. How could they strip the life away from such a kind beautiful girl. I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of her melody, and I somehow knew she would never sing again.

"Ni" Liam nudged me, breaking me from my slight chance, "She's failing" I looked up to see her finishing the last notes, shaking on her feet. I didn't think, I just reacted, running out there and wrapping my arm around her back, holding her steady. 

She was freezing, but then she was always freezing these days. She stood steadier and I looked out to the crowd, noticing for the first time that everyone was on their feet, tears running down so many faces.

All of the judges were crying, even Simon. "That was beautiful" Cher said into her mic, tears streaming from her eyes. The other judges nodded in agreement and I looked at Sybil to see she was crying as well. I knew why. This was her dream, to stand on stage and get a standing ovation.

But it was too late.

I took another look at the crowd, then back at Sybil. I knew she would collapse before making it off stage, so I scooped her into my arms, carrying her offstage as she cried.

She fell asleep in my arms shortly after, exhausted from her performance. I looked down at her peaceful face and I almost cried. But I didn't. We had made a promise to each other months ago. I was not allowed to cry, even if... when she died, and I was not allowed to shut down. I had to keep going, for her.

And I intended to.


SIOBHAN'S POV (Another Contestant)

We stepped onto the stage as a group, the final 8. It was only meant to be Fred walking out, it was his turn to sing, he was first. But all of us walked out.

We each had a microphone, and Casey stepped forward. "Today we will not sing individually. We will sing one song, as a group, then we will leave. We have somewhere else to be today, somewhere that is much more important then here". She stepped back into line and I stepped forward.

"We would like to ask a favour of the judges, and the producers of the X-factor. We have all agreed on this and won't give in. We ask that you name Sybil Horan winner of the X-Factor 2013 and release her single for sale, all proceeds going to a foundation that helps with child cancer"

I took a deep breath, steadying myself for my next words. "After this song, we will leave this stage, and go to a funeral. A funeral of an amazing girl who inspired us all. She died only hours after stepping off this stage, and we want her to be remembered"

I stepped back and the intro music to Chasing Cars by Snowpatrol played. We all sung together, no solos, us united together for her.

After we were finished we ran offstage, getting changed and then heading to the funeral. We sat in one long row, everyone from the X-Factor. It was just before my speech, I had know Sybil the best out of all the contestants, Casey looked down at her phone, then hurridely whispered to Fred who passed the whisper along.

The whisper went along the row until it reached me, just as I stood up to make my speech. 

I walked up to the altar, as calmly as I could. "Sybil was amazing. She was kind, beautiful and smart. She was an amazing singer. She inpsired us all, made the most of bad situations and somehow managed to cheer everyone up. I have some good news. Even though Sybil is no longer with us, her name will live on, as the winner of X-Factor 2013 and through her single, all proceeds going towards helping cure cancer. Sybil, you did it" I was whispering by the end.

We all stood over her grave, watching as the coffin was lowered into the ground. I exchanged glances with all of my fellow singers, One Direction included, and I decided that Sybil shouldn't go out to silence. "Forever young, I wanna be forever young" I began shakily, the other joining in.

We sung as she was lowered, and then covered. Everyone at the funeral joined in, even those who couldn't sing. The tombstone was raised, just as we finished singing. We stood in silence, staring at the tombstone.

"Sybil Horan

13th September 1993 - 7th April 2013.

Beloved Daughter, Sister and Friend

You will be sorely missed."

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