The Little One P2 (AU) (Zayn!Baby)

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I combined two prompts for this one!

Prompt 1: Aweh so cute pls part two where they teach him ho to the bathroom but he likes his nappy better

Prompt 2: can you make part 2 if baby zayn where he see his old mom and runs to her she looked at him cold stare abd msybee push him away zayn is really hurt and he re built the walls around him self and the boys have to deal with that .

 "C'mon Zee, time to get up" Liam cooed, looking over the bars of Zayn's crib. "Daddy" Zayn cried, standing up and wraping his arms around Liam's neck. 

Over the past three months with Zayn living with them, the four boys had grown majorly more responsible. They had somehow managed to keep the press unaware of Zayn's existence, but that was soon to change.

Zayn had nicknames for all the boys. Niall was Papa. Louis was Dada, Liam was Daddy and Harry Haba. Zayn was happy a majority of the time and he was really good at letting the boys know what he wanted.

"Let's go to the potty" Liam said, carrying the small boy to the bathroom. Zayn started squirming, "No Daddy, no use potty" He cried, "Potty icky"

"But Zayn, you want to be a big boy right" Liam said, waiting for Zayn to nod before continuing, "Well, only babies use nappies, are you a baby?". Zayn shook his head quickly, "No me big bwoy" He chirped. "And what do big boys use?" Liam said quickly, hoping this would work. "Da potty" Zayn smiled and stopped struggling.

The potty time past without further incident. They had started potty training Zayn a week ago and he was still reluctant. He was in nappies most of the day anyway, and through the nights.

"Guess who's coming with daddies to an interview today?" Louis asked, walking into the kitchen to find Niall feeding Zayn, while Zayn seemed determined to cover his entire face in food.

"Ummmm, Joshy?" Zayn guessed, scrunching up his face in concentration. Harry shook his head. "Ellie Bellie?" He guessed again, naming Louis' girlfriend, who was like an aunt to him. Liam shook his head this time. "DanDan?" The others were laughing now, Zayns starting to get confused.

"I'll give you a clue. He's in this room" Niall laughed. Zayn looked around the room, spotting his four daddies, who went to the interview anyway but no one else. Then it hit him. "Me!!" He shouted and all four boys nodded, grinning. "Zaynie come to interwew?" He asked, growing more excited when the boys nodded.

Zayn was grinning the entire way to the studio. They got there and Zayn was left with Simon, who was like his grumpy granddad, while the boys started the interview.

"So boys, has anything changed for you in the past few months since you were last on Ellen?" Ellen asked, starting the interview.

"One major thing" Harry commented grinning, while Liam gestured for Zayn to come out. Zayn his behind Simon's leg, suddenly scared about being in front of all those people.

Ellen was looking between the boys confused, as they all looked to the side of the stage.

Simon bent down, knowing how to get Zayn to the boys. "Hey Zayn, Dada has a present for you" Simon whispered, making Zayn grin widely, before sprinting onstage.

"DADA" he screamed, leaping onto Louis lap. "Yes Boo?" Louis grinned, as Liam explained to Ellen and the viewers. "Unca Si says you have pressie for Zaynie" Louis sent Simon a glance, sticking his tongue out slightly. "Bad Dada" Zayn said loudly, lightly poking Louis cheeck, "Daddy LiLi says no poking tongues".

The audience laughed and Zayn jumped slightly, turning for the first time and realising there was people watching. "Hi" He chirped, waving manically, "Me Zayn" He added pointing to himself. 

"Hello Zayn, I'm Ellen" Ellen said, and Zayn climbed over Niall and Harry to shake her hand. "Polite this one" She commented. 

"Hey Haba, why you have funny thing in ear?" Zayn asked, poking it as he climbed back over Harry to sit in Niall's lap. "It's so I can hear Zee" Harry said, poking Zayn in the tummy. Zayn giggled and squirmed before a look of shock crossed his face. He crawled up so he was near Niall's ear, not realising Niall had a microphone on. "Does dat mean Haba can't hwear?" He whispered to Niall, Niall shook his head, laughing silently.

Then Zayn let out a scream. "YOU HAZ ONE TWO" He screamed, pointing at the earpiece. He scrambled around finding one in each of his daddies ears. He even ran up to Ellen and looked in her ear, finding one as well. 

He stood up, before running loops around the couch. "ALIENS STOLE DADDIES" He screeched, making everyone laugh. Liam snagged Zayn as he ran past pulling him onto his lap. "Calm down little guy" Zayn listened to him, leaning into his Daddy's chest.

"Looks like he's been spending way to long  around Louis" Ellen laughed and all the boys grinned, nodding.

The interview ended a little while later and they went grocery shopping before heading home. Niall, Liam and Louis went to actually do the shopping, while Harry just walked around the store with Zayn.

They were in the candy isle, Zayn trying to convince Harry to buy some, when Zayn's face whitened. His froze for a second, and Harry followed his gaze to a woman about ten metres away.

She had long black hair and look around thirty or so. Zayn sprinted towards her, dodging around other shoppers as Harry chased after him. "Mumma" Zayn squealed, coming to a halt at her feet. Her face showed mild shock, which quickly changed to shock. "You again" She snapped, pushing Zayn off where he was clinging to her leg and making him fall heavily onto his bum.

Zayn started to cry as Harry ran up behind him and scooped him up. "Don't you dare talk to my son that way" Harry snapped at her. "Your son?! He is my son, the worthless piece of trash" The woman replied, as Louis, Liam and Niall joined them, shocked to find Harry seething and Zayn crying his eyes out. "You were never a mother to him, at least now he's with someone who loves him" Harry snapped before walked off, cradling Zayn in his arms.

Zayn was still crying when they got home, despite Harry rocking him gently back and forth the entire car ride. Harry carried him into the house and all the boys sat down on the couch. "Why Mumma no wuv me?" Zayn hicupped between sobs. "Because Mumma is very silly" Niall said, stroking Zayn's hair gently.

"No one wuvs Zaynie" Zayn cried, still crying his heart out. "Hey, all of us love you" Louis whispered, hugging Zayn to his chest. "We all love you Zayn" Liam added, rubbing Zayn's back.

Slowly Zayn calmed down, and they laid him down for his nap, watching as he drifted peacefully off to sleep.

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