Coming Out To The Boys (Ziam Palik)

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"I can't do this Z" I muttered. "Yes, you can Li, you can do this" He murmured, pulling me into a hug. "But, what if they hate us, for what we are?" I said, letting out my main fear of what could happen.

Zayn and I had been dating since X-Factor. He was my true love, and I was finally ready to tell people. First stop, the rest of the band. Then Simon, and the rest of management and our fanbase. Thankfully our families knew already, and that saved us the drama of that.

"Okay, call the meeting" Zayn said, grabbing my hand and entertwining his fingers with mine. I nodded, before yelling, "BAND MEETING, LIVING ROOM NOW". Zayn's other hand went up to cover his ears as I bellowed. We made our way to the living room and sat down on the couch. 

The rest of the boys trickled in. "So, whats up Li?" Louis asked, flopping onto the ground. "Well, I have some news". "So, what is it?". "I just want to say, if you want to kick me out of the band after I tell you this, I understand". The boys expressions changed, all becoming crazy with worry. "Liam, whatever it is, it can't be that bad" Louis asked, serious for once. "Some people think it is, I have been discriminated with it, since I started telling people". "Li, just tell them, they won't judge you" Zayn said, wanting it over already.

"You told Zayn?" Harry asked. "Yes, he fits in as well". Zayn nudged Liam, who took a deep breath. "I'm gay" He said, getting it out as quickly as possible. "Well, we knew that already" Niall yelled. "Really?" Liam asked, face incredulous. They all nodded. "I don't get how Zayn fits into it though" Harry said, lookign between the two of them. "I'm his boyfriend" Zayn said.

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