Hurt (Niall!Centric) PART 2

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Dedicated to AlexandraJoy for the amazing cover she provided!!!

Prompt: omg loved your last one ,, pealse part 2??

The screams pierced the air, waking the house. I was the first to stumble out of bed, heading for Niall's room.

I flicked the light on as I went through the door. Niall was curled up into a ball, screaming into his pillow. I was at his side in an instant.

"Easy Niall, just a dream" I soothed, knowing not to touch Niall.

It had been a month. A month since we brought Niall home. He woke up everynight like this, screaming his head off. Night terrors. The doctor had said to expect them. It didn't make it any less terrifying.

"Niall, breathe" I sat on the edge of the bed, reaching my hand out gingerly towards him. He flinched, but then relaxed, letting me rub his back gently. He sat up, sweat pouring off him, terror still in his eyes. It hurt to see him like this, it hurt all of us. To know we could do nothing to help, only watch.

I held my arms out and he burrowed into my chest, sobbing. The other boys filed in.

"It's going to be okay Niall" Liam whispered, coming over and rubbing Niall on the back. Soon everyone had joined in and Niall's sobs were slowing down.

We soothed him for hours, until he went back to sleep. I stood up, gently laying Niall back down on the bed, covering him with the blankets. Harry sat down next to the bed, to make sure that if Niall woke up again someone would be there.

The rest of us went back to bed. I woke up the next morning, tired. I was always tired. I stumbled out of bed, heading for Niall's room to make sure he was still in bed. He had a tendency to climb out and huddle in the corner.

I found Harry fast asleep in the chair, with Niall still in the bed. I smiled, before going to help Liam with breakfast.

Harry and Niall stumbled downstairs about half an hour later, yawning and rubbng their eyes. 

We hadn't done a concert since Niall was attacked, waiting for him to say he was ready. 

"Guys, can we schedule a small concert for tonight, I think I'm reading, but I want to start small" Niall said calmly, sitting down and helping himself to some waffles. "Sounds good, I'll call Paul" Liam smiled, exchanging glances with all of us. Maybe Niall was getting better.


The opening act left the stage to cheers. "And now, the people you've all be waiting for... It is my pleasure to inroduce... ONE DIRECTION" The announcer screamed.

We ran out onto the stage as the opening music to One Way Or Another blared out. We began to sing, jumping around the stage. It came to Niall's part and we all turned to him and from my spot I could see Zayn's fingers crossed behind his back.

Niall sung flawlessly and we grinned, continuing the song.

We were half'way through Live While We're Young when Niall's face went white. I happened to be standing next to Niall as he fell backwards, catching him just before he hit the ground. The music clattered to a stop as we crowded around him.

"Ni" Liam asked anxiously, checking him over for new injuries. He seemed to be okay and after Liam nodded we all helped him into a sitting position. 

We helped Niall offstage, glad it was our last song. Niall was slowly getting the color back in his cheeks as we laid him down on the couch. 

"What wrong Ni?" Zayn asked gently, brushing a piece of hair off Niall's face. "I remembered something, from that night" Niall stuttered, as Harry draped a blanket around his shivering form.

"Oh Ni" I whispered, pulling him into a hug. "The guy, he sung part of Live While We're Young when he... when he" Niall kept saying, until Liam shushed him, "sssh Ni, It's okay" He soothed.

"No. It's not okay" He cried, standing up. "I can't let this guy get to me" He snapped, walking back out of the room, heading for the stage. We all exchanged looks, before following him.

He grabbed his microphone, gesturing for them to start the music again, before bounding back onto the stage, massive smile on his face. We all followed him. The fans were starting to file out but the stopped and turned around as we began to sing again.

We finished the song, standing in one line with our arms thrown over each others shoulders, all grinning wildly. 

We walked offstage like that, leaning on each other. "I'm not going to let that bastard hurt me anymore" Niall smiled.

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