News (Ziam)

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A/N This is written in the form of news articles. I hope you like it!

Teen Star Zayn Malik in hospital

Fans yesterday were shocked to see One Direction member being wheeled out of his London apartment by paramedics early this morning. There is no news on his condition or what caused him to need medical help.

The star was rushed to Westminster Hospital, his band-mates following in a car behind the whole way. They refused to comment on his condition, running inside to be at his side.

We will keep you up-to-date as information reaches us.

Zayn Malik ‘Critical but stable’

We have in the last hour heard from a spokesperson from Modest!Management, managers of One Direction, regarding the condition of star Zayn Malik.

They state that the star is ‘critical but stable’ but will not say what happened.

Zayn was rushed to Westminster hospital early this morning, unconscious as paramedics lifted him into an ambulance. We have heard rumors that the boy-band member is in a coma but these have not been confirmed.

Zayn Malik, ‘Out of the woods’

Three members of boy-band One Direction today fronted for the cameras with word on fellow member Zayn Malik’s condition.

Niall Horan, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson held a press conference while the last member, Liam Payne, is said to have refused to leave Zayn’s side.

The lads state that Zayn is “Out of the woods” and “Gave them quite a scare’. They have told us that Mr Malik spent the last three days in a coma, but woke up late last night.

We still have no word on what caused the coma.

Zayn Malik leaves hospital

Zayn Malik left hospital around midday today, walking out accompanied by his band-mates, just one week after waking up from a coma. He appeared to be in good-spirits, joking with band member Niall Horan.

We have not heard what caused the coma and subsequent stay in Westminster Hospital, only that he is expected to make a full recovery.

Mr Malik has released a statement thanking the doctors who helped him and a special thanks to his band-mates, stating ‘One of them was always with me, made me feel really special’.

Where is Zayn Malik?

One Direction were photographed arriving at a concert early this evening, but boy-band member Zayn Malik was not among them.

In a statement, One Direction have said that Mr Malik is still recovering from some aspects of his time spent in hospital and has decided to hold off on public appearances until he is fully recovered and ready.

The reason for his stay in hospital has been kept under wraps. It is well known that Mr Malik is a smoker, but perhaps he tried his hand at some other drugs, causing an overdose? We cannot help speculating, the secrecy only making us want to know more.

Missing Malik?

Boy-band member Zayn Malik has not been seen in public since leaving hospital three months ago.

While One Direction has performed many times and done many interviews, Mr Malik has not accompanied them.

This poses many questions. Has Mr Malik left One Direction? Where is he? Why will he not perform? And the one at the front of all our minds, What caused this all to start?

One Direction One Shots (REQUESTS ON HOLD)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum