Confessions (Nouis Tomlinoran)

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I was playing on my Ipad when an email came through. I read it, watched the attached video, and ran upstairs. I pounded on Louis' door. The others came out, asking me what was happening. Then I heard a voice whisper through the door. "Liam, take Niall away". My eyes widened at his words. Louis had told me of his love for Niall, I was the only one who knew. "Sh*t, Louis William Tomlinson, you open this door right now"

He didn't reply. "LOUIS, IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW, I WILL BREAK IT DOWN" The other boys looked shocked at my outburst, all still confused over what was going on. "Zayn, get emergency services on the line, we may need them" He gaped at me, but did what I had said.

Then I broke down the door. Louis was slumped up against the wall, unconscious, an empty bottle of pills next to him. "Sh*t," I swore again, running over to his still form. The others followed me in, and I could hear Zayn on the phone. I took Louis pulse, and began CPR. I could hear Niall crying behind me, and Harry trying to comfort him, but all I was focused on was the steady pumping of my hands, begging for his heart to start once more. Thankfully it did.

The ambulance arrived and took him away, the rest of us following after. We found out later that he was in a coma.


I woke up in a room of white. I heard rustling, realizing there was an angel above me. "Please, Louis, please come back to me" the angel begged. How could I deny him? I fluttered my eyelids open, seeing him standing above me. There was no one else in the hospital room. "Louis" came a happy chirp from the boy standing there. "Hey" I said croakily. He sat down, next to the bed, with a serious expression on his face. "Louis, how could you think I don't love you back, I have loved you since the x-factor, but was too scared you'd reject me" I looked at him in shock, and then leaned over a kissed him.

"Hey Niall, any, whoa" Zayn walked in and we broke apart, seeing the shocked faces of the band. I couldn’t help it, I laughed and soon they all joined in, realizing I was back.


"Hey guys" I spoke into my microphone, hearing the crowd roaring as I stepped onto the stage for the first time in a month.

The others followed me out, and we sung our songs. No-one noticed the worried looks that they kept shooting at me, as I jumped around the stage. But then came the twitter question time.

@hazzasbear Louis, why have you been away for so long? And why were you in hospital?

That was the first question. I looked at the others on the couch, and decided to tell the truth, sharing a glance with my boyfriend. 

"Well, everyone, after my last concert, I went into my bedroom, and got really upset. You see, I'm in love with someone, and I didn't think they loved me back. So I made a video, and sent it to the boys" I gestured to a technician off stage "This is that video". I stood slightly to the side, and watched as my face filled the screen.

"Hey lads, I'm sorry I am not doing this in person, but it’s too painful. I want to say thank you, thank you for making these last two years amazing. But I just can't do this anymore, I'm in love with someone, and they don't love me back. If I tell you guys you will think I'm a freak, and the fans will hate me. This is all for the best, tell my parents I love them, and give my sister's a hug from me. I love you guys." The video cut off.

I continued my answer. "Liam happened to be at his Ipad when I sent the email, so he saw the video straight away, and rushed up to my room, finding the door locked. He started yelling through the door and the other boys noticed. They all were outside my door, and I asked them to take Niall away, I didn't want him there. They grew frantic, and Liam broke down my door. Zayn called an ambulance, and Liam started CPR. He managed to get my heart going again, and I spent two weeks in a coma. When I woke up, the love of my life was there, and he confessed his love for me, and asked me never to leave him again. Yes, I am gay. I told him how I felt, and my loving boyfriend has helped break me out of the depressed state I was in. That is why I haven't been around lately"

So many fans were screaming questions at me, and it grew almost overwhelming. I heard footsteps, and turned to find Niall had gotten up and joined me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and grabbed the mic. "I am so proud of Louis, he has been so strong" Then he kissed me.

I stood on the stage at the O2 arena in London, kissing my boyfriend, in front of everyone.

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