Run Away (Harry Styles+Liam Payne)

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"C'mon, I wanna introduce you to my band mates" I smiled at my boyfriend of two months, who was trying to get me to hurry up. He was introducing me to his four bandmates today.

"Li, stop for a sec, I need to tell you something."He nodded and we jumped back in the car. "Go ahead"

"A year ago, I was going through a ard time, my mum had just died, and dad had run off. I have a brother, but he looked so much like mum that whenever I looked at him it hurt so much. I ran away from home. I wanted to go back soon after, but I was scared he would hate me. Then I met you, and I have falllen in love with you, then I found out about your band, and now you want to introduce me to them" He looked confused, so I simplified it for him. "I'm Harry Styles' runaway sister" His draw dropped.

"Why didn't you tell me?" "I was scared you'd tell him before I was ready" "I would have respected your wishes, are you ready now?" I nodded and we got out of the car.

We rode the elevator up, and stopped as he unlocked the door. "Guys, I brought my girlfriend home" He yeleld out. "We're in the living room" Came that oh-so familiar voice. Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him. He stepped through the door first, and I heard people get up from the couch. "I was gonna introduce all of you to her, but I think you already know her, Haz" "Huh?" I hearrd him reply. I then rounded the corner, and instantly locked eyes with him, my older brother. I couldn't help myself, I ran towards him, and he came to his senses just in time to scoop me up into his arms.

The others looked on in shock as we continued hugging. We broke apart and we both had grins a mile wide. "Where the hell have you been?" He half-yelled. "Around" "And how did you end up with Liam?" "We met in starbucks" Everyone laughed at that.

"Care to enlighten the rest of us on the situation?" Said one of the boys, Zayn, I think. "Oh right, guys you remember me telling you about my runaway sister Caroline" They all nodded. "Well, meet Caroline"

I wish I had a camera.

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