Missing Sister Mister (Ziam)

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Prompt: Ok...so I'm not sure how requests work because I've never done them before, but I was wondering if you could do a Ziam one shot where Zayn goes to the fair with Safaa and the boys tag along, and then Safaa gets lost or runs off and Zayn freaks out so Liam (being the amazing boyfriend he is) goes to find Safaa? If you write this, THANK YOU!!!! (:

"ZAAAAAYN I'M HERE" Safaa screamed, running into the living oom and bolting onto my lap. "Hey sis" I grinned, before turning to the front door, "I'll bring her round at 6, kay mum?" She nodded, closing the door behind her.

"Ready to go to the fair?" I asked Safaa and she nodded. "Can I come?" I heard Liam ask from across the room. "Can Liam come?" I asked Safaa, who considered for a moment then nodded.

Soon each of the boys asked if hey could come, and each got permission from Safaa. We piled into the mini-van, Louis driving and set off for the fair.

We arrived and Safaa was the first one out, sprinting straight for the ticket booth. We caught up with Safaa and bought our tickets, entering the fair. "Zayn can we get candy floss, please?" She gave me the pupy dog eyes and I nodded, leading her to the candy floss stand.

After we bought candy floss we stood there eating it, deciding where to go next. We finally decided on the rollercoaster.

We got in line and I exchanged a quick kiss with Liam, glad he had decided to come. "Zayn, I'm just going to the bathroom" I heard Safaa chirp and I nodded, the bathroom's were only metres away so she would be safe.

I kissed Liam again, before turning around, just in time to see a massive man walk up behind Safaa and grab her waist, clamping a massive hand over her mouth.

I broke away from the others, sprinting towards her. "Let go of my sister" I growled, grabbing his arm.

He was twice my size, well built with a ski mask on his face. He shoved me backwards, hard. I fell over, landing in the mud. "Mine now" He sneered, spitting next to me.

"Let go of her" I heard another voice snap as Liam appeared in the corner of my eye. "And what are you going to do about it?" The man smirked.

Liam leapt forward, his boxing training coming through as he landed a firm punch to the man's head, catching Safaa as the man fell.

I bolted back up, pulling Safaa into my arms. "You alright sis, he didn't hurt you?" I asked frantically as she cried into my shoulder. She nodded weakly and I let out a sigh of relief.

"You wanna go home?" I asked and she nodded again. I made my way to the an, cradling Safaa to me as Liam hovered protectively. 

I got into the van while Liam went to gather the rest of the boys. I held Safaa to my chest, rocking her gently as she cried.

The others got back quickly, Louis leaping into the front seat and starting to drive, heading for my parents house.

We got there quite quickly and I stood up, carrying Safaa inside. I knew she needed Mum right now. I knocked on the door with my elbow, waiting patiently for someone to answer.

Doniya answered the door, shock covering her face as she took in Safaa's sobbing. "Is Mum home?" I asked gently, rubbing Safaa's back. Doniya shook her head and I sighed.

I stepped inside, heading for the couch. "She got attacked at the fair, some man tried to kidnap her" My voice caught slightly. If Liam hadn't been there, the man would have gotten away with my sister.

"Oh my" Doniya gasped, hands clasped over her mouth. "When is Mum going to get home?" I asked, stroking Safaa's hair. "About an hour, I'll look after her" Doniya replied, taking Safaa out of my arms.

"I'll see you later sis" I whispered, pressing a kiss to Safaa's forehead. "Bye Doniya" I said as I walked out.

I got back in the van and Liam wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to my chest. "If you hadn't been there, he would have taken her" I whispered, near tears.

"But I was there" Liam murmured, rubbing my back soothingly. "But what if next time you aren't" I sobbed, full on bawling now.

"I'll always be there" Liam soothed, "No matter what"

A/N That was pretty crappy... Sorry!

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