The Little One (AU) (Zayn!Baby)

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Prompt: Could you do an AU where Liam, Louis, Harry and Niall are in a band, One Direction, but Simon thinks they are getting out of control and instructs them to adopt and kid to teach them some maturity and they adopt Zayn? and he's like been beaten or something so he's really scared? Thanks in advance if you do this!!!

"Boys, you are out of control" Simon stated, looking into the faces of the boy young popstars seated around the table. One Direction had gone big and the boys had decided this was an excuse to party. "You need to learn some responsibility, I don't care how, but you have to". With that Simon stood and left, leaving the four boys trying to think up ideas.

Niall was the one who came up with the plan. As they were driving home, they passed an orphanage. "Guys, lets adopt a kid" He said and Liam slammed down on the brakes, pulling off to the side of the road. "That's a good idea" Louis said as they climbed out. "Let's do it now, before Liam goes all responsible" Harry laughed, leading them to the doors.

They walked in and were immediately surround by children. They approached the front deak and asked to see all the little boys. They just wanted a boy for some reason. The lady led them through to a meeting room, then went and gathered all the little boys and led them in.

All the little boys crowded around the four lads, asking to be adopted. All apart from one, who cowered in the corner. Louis broke away from the other boys and approached the little guy, sitting beside him. "Hey" Louis said quietly, "My name is Louis, what's yours?". The little boy stayed silent, cowering in fear. "I won't hurt you" Louis whispered, causing the little boy to look up. 

He had beautiful hazel eyes which went perfectly with his raven black hair. "Pwomise?" The little boy lisped, the sound almost inaudible. "Promise" Louis confirmed. The other boys came over and the little boy hid his face again. "They won't hurt you either, these are my friends" Louis whispered and the little boy looked up once more.

"That is Harry, Liam and Niall" Louis said, pointing each one out. "Me Zayn" The little boy whispered. "Zayn? That's a pretty cool name" Liam said, crouching down and smiling at him.

"Hey Zayn, do you wanna come home with us?" Niall asked gently. Zayn looked at each of their faces and then nodded shyly. Louis held his arms out and the little boy crawled into them, nuzzling into his neck. Louis stood up holding Zayn tightly to his chest.

They approached the lady and she looked up from her book in shock. "He let you pick him up?" She asked, gesturing to Zayn. The four boys nodded and then Liam stepped forward, "We'd like to adopt him" The lady nodded and prepared all the paperwork. 

Liam became Zayn's legal guardian while the other three were listed as emergency contacts. Louis carried Zayn to the car while Harry called Simon to explain everything.

They got home and Louis discovered that Zayn was asleep. Niall and Liam left to go buy supplies like a crib and changing table and bottle and stuff, while Louis sat on the couch and cuddled Zayn to him as he slept.

Harry draped a blanket over Zayn's sleeping form and smiled down at the little boy, who had put his thumb in his mouth. Niall and Liam got home and Harry joined them in helping set up the nursery in the empty room next to Niall's. They had been meaning to turn it into a guest room, but were too lazy.

They had bought the house a couple of months ago and it had obviously been owned by a family because the empty room had baby blue walls patterned with teddy bears and blue carpet. It was perfect to put Zayn in.

Once the room was set up, Louis placed the still sleeping boy in his new crib, turned out the light and quietly left the room.

Zayn woke up about an hour later, crying loudly when he saw the unfamiliar room. Liam came rushing in and Zayn screamed louder. "shhhh, Zayn it's ok" Liam soothed, and the little guy recognized him and put his hands up to be picked up. Liam lifted him up instantly and carried him over to the changing table, quickly changing him.

He held Zayn to his chest as he walked downstairs to the kitchen. The other boys were sitting there reading Zayn's file. Liam had read it earlier and it was pretty grim. Abused almost since birth, mother jailed for drug abuse, father in jail for attempted murder. Niall leapt up and made Zayn a bottle, handing it to Liam.

Liam put the bottle against Zayn's lips and the little boy began sucking instantly. Once the bottle was empty, Harry took Zayn and they sat on the floor of the living room, playing with blocks.

They were having a lot of fun but then Zayn knocked over his tower of blocks and one of them hit Harry on the nose. Harry let out a little yelp and Zayn burst into tears, crawling over to the corner and cowering in fear. 

Harry walked up to him slowly, crouching down beside him. "No" Zayn squeaked, "No hurt Zaynie, Zaynie sowwy. I sowwy!". "Sssh Zayn" Harry said, lifting the boy up and cradling him to his chest. 

Zayn thrashed around thinking he was going to be punished. "Zee sowwy, pwease no hurt, pwease" He screamed. "Zayn, you're not in trouble, it was an accident, I won't hurt you" Harry whispered, rocking the boy back and forth.

It took a while but Zayn finally quietened, his cries turning to whimpers as the nuzzled into Harry's chest.

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