French Concerts and Hills So Steep That You Need People To Carry You

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, more memories flooded in. When we went to Water World, when she came to the concert, when we sung One Thing together and she sung Zayn's bit, when we played soccer, when we were alone together. All those memories just made me realize how much I loved her. All the memories filled me with happy and a feeling to be me again. The me that yelled random stuff and was over-excited about everything. The me that shouted when Manchester United scored a goal and made joke about absolutely everything. I missed that me.

Wow, that was deep. This song scares me. I pressed the repeat button twice and chose a different song. 'Look After You by The Fray'. YES! MY FAVOURITE! I SHALL CRY OUT IN JOY! But I won't because I'm in a car. But still, I love this song. So much, I made a cover of it and put it on Youtube. But the fact I haven't heard this in forever scares me because I used to listen to it everyday before X Factor.

The song started playing and we were half way to our hotel. Stupid traffic. I occupied myself by thinking about home. All the parties and all the friends. God, the parties were fun. I put the song on repeat and fell asleep.

After what felt like 5 minutes but probably wasn't, we were at our hotel, meeting Paul in the lobby. The concert was in a few hours and we needed to get to soundcheck and make-up and that shizz.

"Hey lads, are you all OK? We haven't seen you for the last 3 days" Paul rushed over to us, worrying, as always. Him and Liam have a lot in common.

"Yeah, we're fine, just a visit here and there" Harry replied, glancing at me. 'STOP IT HARRY!' I telepathically said to him. Haha, yeah, because that makes so much sense. 

"Well, don't do it again without telling me, OK? There were tweets about seeing Louis and Harry at McDonald's, so all of us started freaking out..." Paul babbled on. I tuned him out and started to question my own thoughts. 

Why did Sam plan a trip to China with her mates all of a sudden? Why was she acting off when we were at her house? If she is, what is she hiding?

Answers will come in time, a voice said inside my head.

But if we don't have enough time? another voice replied.

You will, just wait, she'll tell you when she's ready, the first voice finished the conversation.

What the hell just happened?






Sam P.O.V






"JESS! STOP RUNNING! I'M TIRED AND I HAVEN'T HAD FOOD YET! I WILL KILL SOMEONE IF I DON'T HAVE FOOD IN THE NEXT 5 MINUTES!" I yelled at my bestie, who was pushing my wheelchair and running at the same time. We left about 20 minutes ago, looking at directions to the Gu Yi Ju caves from my phone. Thank god for Google Maps!!!

"OK, just calm down, we'll go the cafe here" Jess pointed to the cafe about 2 stores away. Good enough.

We entered, then a thought occurred to me.

"Jess, do you know how to speak Chinese?" I asked. It will be a bit awkward if we told them we wanted food in English.

"No, but Google Translate does" Jess replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes as we grabbed some menus and found a table.

The Girl From Down The Road (One Direction Fanfic/Romance)Where stories live. Discover now