Chapter 1

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My name is Sara Angel Black. I'm 21 but there is just one thing you may not know about me. I'm a hybrid, siren, angel-demon.
From what I know there has never been a creature like me in the world. So that's why I must keep it a secret and protect myself due to there being a man who wants me for unknown reasons.

My parents died protecting me, my mother was an angel, siren, and wolf, weird right that's because her mom was a siren and her dad was an angel, and wolf, My father was a pure vampire demon. They were also kept in hiding for years due to it being frowned upon to mate with other species.

I was 15 when they died. Now I live with my aunt, she is a travel nurse, she knows nothing about our world because she is, well, human. she is a distant aunt from my mom's wolf side that didn't get a wolf. She lives in Boston but since she is doing a job down in Idaho, a beautiful place and very open.

I never had time for friends, that's because I was scared to get close to anyone. I transferred from Boston University to Kaisen University for my last year. I'm a senior finishing my B.A. in Biology. My aunt rented out a cute home just 15 minutes away from the school. My senior year starts next week. Wish me luck.

-A Week pass-

Sara's POV

"Sara? Darling, time to get up." My aunt said.

"I don't want to Aunty", I mumbled, then I groggily opened my eyes to see my aunty carrying a bucket of cold water, I didn't want to end up as a siren in front of my aunt, but I could control my fins although my eyes are harder to control,

"Alright, alright, I'm up...jeez woman."

First day of senior year and already hated it, but up I go. I put on something comfortable and it was cold anyway in the morning. I did my routine brush my teeth, do my hair, the usual. I stare at myself in the mirror to make sure I'm presentable. I have my jet-black hair in a nice high ponytail. I am 5'3, my eyes are currently nice brown eyes since that is most common. Since I'm so many creatures I have these rainbow eyes but only show when they want to I guess. I'm going to Kaisen Uni, it's small compared to the brochure but I don't care. I go downstairs and eat a chocolate muffin with some milk. My aunty kisses me and wishes me luck call her if anything happens then leave for work. Aunty is a travel ICU nurse and she does very well for herself. Once my aunt left for her 6-month trip to Seattle for a contract at a Mercy West Hospital, but she comes back every other weekend and then leaves again.
I ran and left to hunt some poor squirrels just to the top of my hunger, I mean don't get me wrong I love human food as well, but it never fills me up. After that, I clean up and get in my flame-blue Toyota RAV4.


-Arriving At School-

My first class is at 8 am and it is Anatomy and Physiology 2. I had a couple of minutes before I needed to head to class. I go and sit down at an empty black table behind the building. I take my black iPhone out and put my ringer on vibrate. I then start to listen to " Acapella by Karmen". I was wearing a white collar with a navy sweater over it and some khaki pants. I had some simple white sneakers on with my black backpack. I had my airpods in and continued to listen to my music. Just when the song was gonna change I noticed more students came, not a lot cause it's still too early but still more people came. Then I noticed 3 body figures standing behind me.

" Hey check it out, we have a pretty one. I call dibs." One of them said and then the rest began to laugh.

I didn't turn around but I put my airpods away. But then they started to move in closer.  All I could do was smile because they probably had a chance since I'm new. Too bad I know how to handle idiots.


This is my first story and I'm working on it so yea.









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