"That's odd. They were like best friends last time I checked.  " I cross my eyebrows.

"Well, Damien and I don't talk about that stuff. We talk about parties and raves. You know, that kind of stuff. " he said.

"Aren't I getting to heavy ?" I said and laced my fingers on my right hand with his hair.

He snorted, "Oh please, Rose, you're as light as a feather. " he laughed at me.

"Martijn, I don't think it's physically possible for a human to be as light as a feather. " I argued with smug smile on my face.

"Shut up, you get what I meant. " he rolled his eyes and tried to keep a straight face but failed as he looked away.

He takes another swig from his beer and he kept on staring in that direction, now having a stern face.

"There's a guy eyeing you out. " he complained. I followed the direction he was looking in and my face fell as my eyes met the person's green eyes.

I tried to quickly bring my face back to normal so nor him or Martijn noticed.

"Hey, why don't we go back inside ? It's getting kind of chilly for my legs. " I said and jumped off of him and walked to the house, him following.

It's ten o'clock now. I have no idea what time we're leaving. I felt his hand at the small of my back guiding me upstairs. I climbed the steps, one by one, being careful not to trip on anything.

He took us to a room and sat me down on the bed.

"What aren't you telling me ?" He said and swirled his beer around in the bottle.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. " I say, trying to play innocent.

"Oh my word," he snorts and laughs, "you're still terrible at lying. Remember when we were going to see Tiësto backstage and before we left my dressing room ? I asked if you were okay and you lied right through your teeth saying 'I'm fine. ' " he said and imitated my voice. I gulped.

"Look, babe, I know you're not a liar. You don't lie, like ever. Not if it's necessary but please tell me what's going on. " he said, crouching down and placing his beer on the floor, next to my foot.

"That guy... The one that was looking at me. That was Sean. " I tell him.

"Okay, we'll continue this in a moment. I just really really need to pee. " he said and hung his head low and laughed, as did I.

He got up and left the room to go to the bathroom. About a minute later, Sean walks past the room. Shit! I hope he didn't see me.

He walks by again but this time he sees me. He stops in his tracks and turns his body to face me. I look away from him.

"Well, well, well. Look who we've got here. Poor pathetic little Roseanne. All by herself. " he smiled.

He came towards me and I stood up from the bed and moved away from him.

"Oh, no hug or kiss. Don't you think that's a little mean ?" He pouted.

"No, not at all actually. Please go away. " I said, not showing any emotion on my face.

"I'm gonna have some fun first sugar! You never let me do anything to you before, I think I deserve it. " he smirked.

He pushed me harshly against the wall, my head hit it very hard, I was dizzy for a bit. He sucked on my neck, kissing me on my collar bones, his hands very dangerously low on my hip bones.

"Please stop!" I pleaded him.

"Never..." He muttered in my ear.

"I'm sure the lady just said stop!"

Martijn is back. Yes. Sean turns around and looks at him. I take the opportunity and move away from Sean again.

"Leave. " Martijn growled at him.

"You're the one that should leave here!" Sean tried to argue.

"Uh, I don't think s-" Martijn got cut off because Sean kneed him in the gut.

"Martijn!" I cried out his name.

He let out a cough and regained his balance. He kicked Sean in the knee and then grabbed the bottle and shattered it on Sean's neck.

Sean got up and smashed the back of Martijn's head against the bookshelf in the room. He huffed and left.

Martijn slid down and closed his eyes.

"Martijn! Martijn ? Are you okay ? Are you alright ?" I shook him. He seems to be knocked out.

I fanned him a little bit and he woke up two minutes later.

"Oh my gosh. Are you okay ?" I asked, panicked.

"Yeah. Let's leave. Help me up please ?" He asked.

"Of course. " I said. I helped him up and held him as we walked down the stairs just in case he fell.

We got to his car and he nearly tripped and fell face first. I really don't think he should drive, he needs medical attention. I leant him up against his car and looked at his head, there's evidently blood.

"Come on, you need to go to the hospital. Give me your keys. You can't drive in this state. How do you feel ?" I kept my hands on his torso.

"Dizzy. " he mumbled.

"Can I look at the other place where he hit you ?" I asked him. He nodded.

I lifted his shirt and looked at where he got kneed. It's swelled a little bit already and it's going to leave a bruise.
I winced at the the sight of it.

"Give me your keys. I need your keys baby. " I said. He reached in to his jacket and pulled out his keys.

I unlocked the doors and got him in the passenger seat. I tried putting on his seatbelt but he stopped me.

"It's alright. I've got it babe. " he said and started to do it himself as I walked around to the other side of the car.

I got in and did my seatbelt. I put the keys in and started the car. It roared to life and I pulled out from where we were parked. I started our drive to the nearest hospital.

"I'm so sorry. " I said, I felt my heart break at the sight of him hurt.

"It's okay. I'm just a little hurt. " he hushed me.

"It's not okay!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down. Sshh. " he said.

Half way to the hospital and he rested his head against the seat.

"Martijn ?" I called out to him.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"I love you..." I admitted. I had to tell him. He closed his eyes and a smile was playing at his lips.

"I love you too baby."

I got him to the hospital and went to the ER. I filled in papers as they took him in to help him. I paid for everything and was then in the waiting room.

A/N: DRAMA. YAY. 1.08k reads! Thanks guys!! They said their first "I love you's" awwww! So... Martijn is in hospital guys. Do you guys like Poison by Martin Garrix ? I love it!

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Thanks XX

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