2. Just Another Morning

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My alarm clock just would not shut up. I know what time it is. I know I need to get up, but I don't wanna. And it physically cannot make me. Max, on the other hand can. He ran into my room jumped on my bed and screamed "GET UP CARTER! We are gonna be late cuz of you!" He screamed very close to my ear.

"Ughhh. Get the fuck outta my room Max." I mumbled not moving an inch.

I shoulda guessed what was gonna happen next. He grabbed my pillow and chucked it across the room. My head bounced onto my matress. I still wouldn't move. This pissed Max off big time. He walked out of the room. I thought he was gone for good so i pulled one of my other pillows under my head and shut my eyes again. I was just about to be swept away by sweet rest when...


Yep. Ice. Freezing cold ice, thrown by non other than my douchebag brother Max.

"MAXWELL SCOTT GREEN!" I screeched at the top of my lungs. I was definately awake now. And pissed. he knew it too, so he tried to run. Not fast enough because before his hand was on the doorknob my arms were around his neck, choking the life outta him. thank God Craig, Monte, and Robert walked in. I probably would have killed Max if they hadn't.

"WOAH!" Craig said pulling me off my brother. "What the hell is going on here?" He asked obviously trying not to laugh.

"Just a little sisterly love." I replied smirking.

"BULLSHIT." Max said finally getting his breath back. "She tried to kill me!"

"I wouldn't of had you not have thrown the ice at me!"

"You wouldn't get out of bed! And we are already gonna be late picking up Ronnie." The guys got bored of our argument and wandered back downstairs.

"Maxxi. I'm sorry." I said with puppy dog eyes.

"It's okay little sis. Just get ready. We'll go get Ronnie and come back for you." I said patting me on my head.

'Alrighty." I said. Not moving a muscle.

"Go get ready!"

"I can't with you still in my room!"

"Oh yah." He chuckled awkwardly and walked out shutting the door behind him.

"Let's go guys. We'll swing back through and get the princess later." I heard him say. Then I heard the front door shut and knew they had left. i looked around my room, all my stuff was in boxes already. Alot of it never even came out of the boxes. You see, I just turned 18 a few days ago. My mom kicked me out of the house so I moved in with Max. but now Max and all the guys are getting a house and moving in together, the band said it was fine if I lived with them. So I am now a proud member of the Escape the Fate household. plus Ronnie. I didn't know Ronnie all that well. I remember him from when I was younger  coming over our house all the time and doing drugs with Max. I'm glad they're both cleaned up now. I shook my head recollecting my thoughts.

"What to wear what to wear" I half sang to myself. i wondered over to my closet, and noticed nothing but boxes. i didn't want to go through them so I opened one and found my faded black skinny jeans with holes at the knee, my favorite jeans of all time. I pulled them on with some difficulty.

"Ugh, I need to lose some weight" I thought to myself while looking into the mirror "You're turning into a fat cow."

I believed these words with my heart and soul. Max hates when I call myself fat. he thinks I need to gain weight. Saying that it's not normal to only weigh 81 pounds and be 5' 6". All my friends were taller, and weighed less. I was the heaviest one in the group. I hated myself for it. I shook my head again, clearing my minds of the thoughts. What was with me? I couldn't stay focused. then I remembered and went to my bathroom and pulled out all my pills for the day. birth control (I'm still a virgin, but it never hurts to be protected), ADD pill (that's why I couldn't focus), And all my vitamins. Gotta stay heathly.

I swallowed each one and went back to my bedroom. I looked around again and saw a Misfits tee. "Perfect." I thought. I picked it up and gave it a whiff, it was clean. guess I just hadn't packed it yet. I pulled it on over a white undershirt that I already had on since the tee hung off one of my shoulders. I found some clean socks and my black and white checkered vans to complete my outfit, well almost. I trugded to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, deoderant (thank god it wasn't packed), and did my hair and makeup like i do everyday, I applied my eyeliner somewhat heavy and did a little upward swoosh at the end of my eye. Mascara and some light gray shadow to match my Misfits tee. I put on some lip gloss then started on the mess that was my hair. I straightened it's long and black strands and spiked/teased it on the top. I added a red bow after combing my bangs forward to add some color to the look. I thought I looked goregeous.

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked downstairs grabbing and apple for breakfast ( I called it breakfast even though it was about 1 o'clock by the time I got downstairs), Then I grabbed my black and gray Hello Kitty bag. It had my phone, iPod, extra lipgloss, and gum. Plus my stereo head phones i can't go anywhere without. And sat down on the couch happily munching on my apple waitng for the guys to return.

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