The end comes quickly

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I currently sat between my mum and Jamie. Who had been giving Jamie looks every few seconds, even if she would hate to admit it.

He was hot.

She would sometimes even pass glances towards me, I could just hear the clockworks in her brain churning a whole bunch of nasty thoughts that we could of done together. Which she was right about. But there was no way in hell I was going to start explaining her 2nd daughter has had sex.I currently sat between my mum and Jamie.

However what made me annoyed at my mum was not how she wasn't warming to Jamie, but how when she glanced towards the loved up Frédérique and Kaycee who were brushing their noses up against eachother, her face softened. Evening adding a 'awww'.

Whereas with me, I'm not even touching Jamie, and she's giving a dispproved look.

"So Jamie what are your plans for the future?" Jamie gave my mum a brief smile.

"I want to become a lawyer," my mum raised her right eyebrow. "You earn decent money and nothing makes me happier then proving someone wrong," he gave my mum a smug look. She only turned with disapproval away from him. What was her problem.

"Mum, Frédérique just told me the most amazing present he got you," Kaycee enthusiastically stated. My mins face automatically lightened up.

"Do tell Frédérique," mum have him a winning smile.

"Well, Kaycee did you mention how you would be having your 25th anniversary in around 2 months. So I took the liberty of ordering you two a 2 week holiday to the Bahamas. Five star hotel, right by the sea," mum's face was absolutely shocked.

"Are you serious?" Dad asked, leaning over the table, looking straight at Frédérique.

"Yes Sir."

"We couldn't possibly take that offer its too much," dad refused. However I knew he wanted to go.

"You guys are like my family now, what are family for if they can't make you happy?" Frédérique looked at all of us smiling so beautifully.

"Thank you so much, that is honestly the nicest thing a boyfriend of Kaycee has ever done," she fluttered her eyelashes toward Frédérique.

"That's because you've hated all the others," I muttered. Jamie sniggered quietly. Only he must of heard it.

Then the doorbell rang.

"That must be Susan," dad declared. Moving off his seat.

"Who's Susan?" I asked. Mum slowly closed and opened her eyes, breathing heavily.

"Your dads new secretary," my eyes widened. Mum definitely didn't like her, and I presumed I wouldn't like her either.

We heard the door open and close. Small talk taking place between them. We heard their footsteps get closer to the dining room. All our eyes turned to the door.

"Susan, this is my wife, family and my daughters boyfriends," Susan looked us all with a annoyingly cute smile.

She looked around her early twenties. She had long glistening blonde hair, which was complemented with her green eyes. Her dimples were very noticeable, I envied her for having them. Her skinny figure was enthused by the tight formal dress she wore.

"Hello all," she waved at us all. We each individually returned the wave. "You should have told me you were having a family dinner, I wouldn't have come," she sympathized.

"Don't worry Susan it's fine, let's go and work in the living room," Susan nodded, and with a small smile to the rest of her she left with my dad to work in the living room.

"She seems nice," Kaycee piped up.

"Doesn't she just," mum lied. My phone vibrated, I looked down. Adrian?

'I'm outside can you come?' - Adrian

"Excuse me, I just need to check something upstairs," I departed from the table with a look of confusion from Jamie. I quickly made my way outside, and behold Adrian stood right in front of me.

"Adrian what do you want?"

"I love you Silver, I want to be with you," my mouth hung open in shock, but it was too late his mouth made contact with me and behold we were making out. I didn't know what came over me but it was like I was meant to be with Adrian.

As he pressed me up against his ice cold chest, his arms tangled around me, his frigid breath reaching my sensitive cheek. He lightly placed his frozen lips onto my neck, making me squirm.

"Silver," he whispered, "Forgive me." My eyes widened. Forgive him for what, being irresistible? I felt his sharp teeth lightly on my neck. Strangely I never noticed his teeth, but they are weirdly sharp now that I have a feel of it. I couldn't make myself say stop, why can't I? What is holding me back? I didn't think and unconsciously pushed my beloved Adrian away.

"Adrian, please!" I said rubbing my neck, he licked his lips, and he began leaning towards my neck again. He moved in nanoseconds. His teeth slowly indented into my neck. I pushed him away once more before he could put his teeth right into me.

"Adrian what are you doing-," I gestured with my hand, pausing as my right hand was in mid-air. A drip of blood made its way down my arm. I looked at Adrian. I was...bleeding? Didn't I push him away quick enough? I put my hand on my neck. Did his teeth pierce into me? I could feel blood, Scaling on my hand. I stood still in fright, what had he done to me?

"Silver," he said moving casually towards me. I backed away. The pain started to become unbearable.

"Adrian," I said hesitantly "What did you do to me?"


The not so amazing ending I had planned.


A/N: Hey guys the truth is this story was meant to be another good 20 chapters but I'm seriously not into the vampire thing any more and decided to just end it on this stupid cliff hanger or whatever. Sorry if you read it hoping for more of Adrian and Silver thing. For clarification this is nowhere NEAR how I decided to end it. I just wrapped everything up quickly in this chapter. Maybe in the future i might continue it properly but for now I don't have the will to write this vampire story anymore. Thanks for reading this story. Check out my others if you can!

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