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We all waited in the freezing cold, waiting for the last member of the bowling squad to come. It was strange as I looked over the group I was with, I was the only girl. I sighed. Jamie looked at me and smiled. He made me smile back, he started to walk over.

"Sorry Silver I thought there would be some girls, well there was supposed to be girls but they pulled out last minute. Apparently some of them think bowling is to manly, and there's too many boys it would not seem right" I nodded, I really wish I pulled out now if only I knew that no girl would come I would of did my 'let me get back to you.' Then wait till the day, they would probably call and I would say 'Sorry I totally forgot but my mum doesn't like things last minute so I can't go' And that would leave the ' I don't want to go it's absurd, how do I know you're not a paedophile' Out of the picture. "Silver you know you're a lady you shouldn't be waiting in the cold why don't we go in, when the last one comes, they'll meet us inside"

"Okay sure"

"Okay. Guys!" Jamie shouted, they all turned "I'm going to go inside with Silver because she's cold and doesn't want to be alone" He said fading out as he got near the end.

"Yeah right" A voice called out from the back. "You want Silver for yourself, you love her don't you" The boys started to laugh.

"It's not like that, I want to be gentlemen" The boys once again burst out with laughter.

"Of course then kiss her right" the boys laugh got louder "maybe a bit of touching here and there" I could see some people were looking at us from the corner of my eye.

"There's no need to laugh" I said to the boys, there laugh suddenly quietened until it was silence. "Jamie is only being a gentlemen unlike you pack of immature idiots here. If you're like this you'll never get a girlfriend." I chuckled "Therfore since you won't get a girlfriend you won't get married consequently dying alone with only your pet parrot to show love too." All the boys looked at me none of them smiled just stared at me.

"So...any more of your stupid outbursts" Jamie said the boys shook their head. "Okay Silver lets go" Jamie took my hand and pulled me to the door. I didn't let go, his hands were nice and warm. When we got in he looked around pulled me too a seat. He then looked at our hands trapped together, he then let go. "Sorry" I smiled at him. I sat down, and he sat down next to me.

"So..." I said "how have-"

"You know Adrian is getting very popular throughout school" He interrupted.

"Yeah, but let's not talk about Adrian" Jamie nodded.

"You know every time I see him, I want to pound him"

"I'll help with that" I smiled, but his teeth were gritted together. What had suddenly got into him? He was fine outside but now he's...he's angry.

"May I take you order?" the waiter came round.

"No, thank you" I said looking at the menu. His voice had a familiar ring to it.

"And you sir" He was silent

"No for him as well" I said.

"Well I can't have that" the waiter said "I'll bring you chips on the house" I shook my head.

"No, we're fine" I smiled.

"No I insist such a pretty girl should get a treated extra nice" I blushed. Wait a sec, this boy he sounds like no it can't be it just can't.

"Adrian" I said quietly. He wore a kind a baseball hat obviously part of his uniform. Yet i'm not going to lie he still looked sexy!

"Yes, Silver, how may I help you?" Jamie stood up.

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