Hold up What!

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Macy and I jumped with joy as we entered school, you see we just found out Macy's childhood love broke up with his girlfriend. Our only natural instinct was to skip into school, being the most happiest people there. We both had really connected since Friday, definitely making up for all those times we missed out on together. As we entered the corridor which one of the rooms lead off to our form room, all eyes were on us. That didn't stop us smiling though. As we entered our form room, nobody really cared about our happy faces, such a depressing lot they are my form.

I felt two arms brush against my waist, as they cuddled me. "Morning" my heart beats began to beat faster. Only one boy that really made me do that. I turned in his arms.

"Jamie" I responded, his face lit up as we stared at each other. He at once went in for a kiss. As our lips touched all those sparks from when we did it kicked in. I couldn't help smirk while our lips exchanged pleasant memories. His lips pulled away from me, his mouth also smirking, almost like he knew exactly what I was remembering. He took away his cuddling arms from around my waist.

"Macy baby" we all knew who's voice that was, immature Rick. I turned to face Macy, he had already jumped on her back causing her to mumble foul language.

"Get off me brat" she responded not even flinching,

"But I haven't seen you since Friday" he whined. Macy didn't care, she began to shake off the Dick. I mean Rick. Poor Macy she couldn't even see how this boy really did like her, although she was very much in a unrequited love with her childhood friend Layton. Even though he has one of the most coolest name I've ever heard, the amount of times he had broken up with girls in the past several months would definitely give him the title player.

"What are you thinking about?" Jamie said alluringly from behind. He began to pick up my skirt from behind. I held the squeal I was about to let out. No one seemed to notice the sexual acts Jamie was doing on me. He lifted it fully then placing his left hand in my boxers.

"Jamie" I whispered "not here" he did acknowledge my plea, dropping his hands from my boxers. However his hand then made contact with my waist as he began moving my body to a chair at the far back of the classroom, which no one else stood around. As he sat, he caused me to sit on his lap. Jamie really was all the time horny. His hands then came in contact with my skin as he had entered my skirt again. On the feel of my boxers, he found the entry into them as well. Very fast.

"Turned on yet?" He joked. His hands circled slowly on my body, making me feel a tingly sensation. I sprung up.

"Jamie, yes we had sex" I admitted aggressively, but you can not just touch me in that way whenever you want," I pointed at him. He smirked standing up.

"Alrite fine, i'll lay off in school," Jamie kissed me on the lips quickly before brushing past me. I turned as I looked at him sort out the Rick and Macy situation. Then as the door opened the few loud gasps only meant that Adrian had entered. He glanced around the room, a few girls moving closer to him. His eyes then settled on me, his face softened slightly as he made his made toward me. I stiffened up as he stood in front of me.

"Hi," he started.

"Hi," I replied. It seemed pretty awkward talking to Adrian since mine and his last encounter.

"How you doing?" He asked happily, his mouth smiling beautifully.

"I'm good thanks and yourself?"

"Had better days, but pulling through," what did he mean?

"What's wrong?" I asked moving slightly forward, anxious to find out.

"I did something bad," he stated. At that moment the door opened once again and all eyes were almost stunned. Jenny came through the door, her arm in a cast and the right side of her face slightly bruised. I moved past Adrian towards Jenny. People gathered around her, all in awe. No one said a word to her though.

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