Dirty looks

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I paced up and down Shaz's garden. No one seemed to be in, maybe I should go? Yeah I'll go besides what if Adrian's in that would be just...awkward. As I was prepared to leave, the door flung open.

"Sorry for the wait,come on in," she signalled me to come into her house. I subtly sighed and then followed her signal.

"Hey," I said as I brushed past her. "So you going to tell me why I needed to come over," she shook her head.

"Oh Silver, just follow me," she grabbed my arm, slamming her door shut, she pulled me up the staircase that had become a regular exercise for me every time I came here. The route she was taking me on was familiar, too familiar.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," as we came up to the top of the second staircase it was relevant we were either going into Adrian's room, or the room I've never been in. And I'm pretty sure were going into Adrian's. Shaz let go off my hand. And shifted her body to open Adrian's door.

"Wait Shaz, I don't really want to see Adrian right now."

"He's not here obviously,' she said entering his room, I followed after her.

"Then why are we in here," Shaz looked around the room, before she rested her eyes on me.

"I need something of Adrian's but its a bit weird if I look for it," what is she on about. I was puzzled by what she was actually looking for.

"What does he have that you need?" I asked suspiciously. She let out an uneasy laugh.

"Just look, and when you see something gross just tell me, you can start around his bed," I was clueless to what was going on.

"Right, so I'm looking for something, that you won't tell me, and you'll just stand there watching me look?" I asked, like is she actually serious.

"Correct," she chirped. "Plus you've been to Adrian's room multiple times, this should be easy," she made another uneasy laugh.

"What's in this for me?" Her eyes dotted around the room fast. She was definitely thinking of a good excuse.

"Erm, my friendship?" She was asking more then stating. I sighed.

"Well I have nothing else to do today anyway."

"Oh thank you," she let out a huge grin. I smirked. I moved towards his bed, bending my knees, I began looking through a few boxes under his bed. Shaz's eyes looked over me with curiosity on what I was yet to find.

"Can you atleast tell me what your looking for?" I asked. "It's like I'm looking for a needle in a haystack at the moment."

"You don't need to know just hurry please, Adrian could come home any sec-," Shaz stopped mid sentence, and I also froze, footsteps coming up the first set of stairs was heard. People were laughing. "Oh crap, okay Silver hide," I looked around Adrian's room.

"Where?" I shrieked in a whisper.

"Under the bed, yes under the bed, now go," the footsteps were now coming up the second staircase.I pulled myself under Adrian's bed, hitting a few boxes that were in my way. As I squirmed into a position, Shaz covered the line of sight with boxes, she then flung herself on the Adrian's bed. The door then opened. I watched as two pairs of feet entered. Adrian's and...a girl?

"Shaz what are you doing here?" Adrian asked alarmed by the presence of his sister.

"Your bed is comfortable so thought I would have a little rest," she giggled.

"Shaz so good to see you," a female voice said, Shaz seemed to move into her feet.

"You to Maya, how are you?" Oh so this was Maya.

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