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"Silver for the last time, TIDY YOUR ROOM!" My mum shouted from downstairs.

"Yes mother I'm on it" I replied as I lay down on my bed reading the last pages of Romeo and Juliet. 'O happy dagger, this is thy sheath. There rust and let me die' Juliet proclaimed. As she stabbed herself with Romeo's knife. Is this really how far love can go, until death? I threw the book to the ground. And flipped myself, so I was lying on my back against the bed. Would I ever do that for love? Die for someone? Would I ever find myself someone who's worth the pain? I shook my head. My mind can wander into the craziest, stupidest things. Love...I'm going to wait for the right person and the right age. I sprung up from my bed.

"SILVER!" My mum was seriously not letting this go.

"YES!" I shouted out.

"Yes you will clean your room now Silver, before I come up there and break down your door" My mum said her voice strained and exhausted. Jumping out of my bed, I went towards my desk and started to tidy the papers. I decided to get a glass of water before I did a very good job of tidying my room. Unlocking my door, and closing it behind me. Kaylee stood there with a fairly tall boy next to her.

"Silver meet Luke" I smiled at Luke. But then feeling embarrassed as he had just witnessed me and my mums little quarrel.

"Nice to meet you" I said putting out my hand. He looked at it and shook it. "Sorry about the shouting" I admitted.

"It's fine it gives it a sense of homely love" He winked at me, as Kaylee was looking at her dress.

"Listen babes, make yourself comfortable in my room, I'm just going to get some drinks for us". My sister rushed downstairs. Luke leant on the door way, blocking my way of getting pass.

"I guess fit girls do run in Kaylee's family" He said taking some of my hair into his hand. Then bringing it to his nose. Smelling my hair with deep breaths. "You smell divine" He smirked. His face was quite long, his eyes dark brown. His lips petite. His hair just above his neck. I pulled away, my hair began falling out his hands. Not one of the best lookers my sisters dated.

"Excuse me" I walked over his leg. I carried on walking but his hand came on my shoulder and pulled me back.

"I wasn't finished with you yet"

"Well I'm finished with you" I concluded. I did a slight smile. He didn't reply. I walked straight past him and down the stairs to my kitchen. Kaylee was putting some ice into a glass, as I walked over to the fridge.

"What do you think of him? Dreamy isn't he" She smiled showing her perfect straight white teeth.

"He's a dick" I said, her eyes widened.

"What did you just say?"

"He's a dick, a pure dick, to be honest one of the worst you've picked and definitely not the best looker" Kaylee gasped. Was she really that shocked?

"I can't believe you could say that" She paused "Well tough, I like him a lot and we're staying together for however long our love goes on"

"So...when he cheats on you?" Kaylee then burst into tears. She's so emotional. And so dramatic.

"You know Silver sometimes you can be so heartless" She left the kitchen not finishing off the drinks. What have I just done? I slouched onto the nearest chair. I don't know what's up with me today. My mind pondered on Tyler trying to...then Adrian. I smiled. He always comes at the right moment. How does he do it? And the way they feel...cold...really cold. I took out my phone; I started to look through my contacts. I strolled down vaguely looking at each name. My contacts began again I stopped on Adrian's name, I didn't know why. I pondered over his number, maybe I should call him? No he's probably busy dealing with Aurora and that stupid idiot Tyler although he might just be relaxing. I quickly pressed his number and it began to ring, I held the phone to my ear. Ring after ring, he's probably busy I'm such an idiot now he knows I called and will not drop this. I sighed.

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