Change of heart

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 “Adrian” I quietly said.

“Hello Silver, come in” He smiled gently. He moved aside. I slowly walked past.

“Where’s Jenny?” I asked looking around.

“She popped to the shops; she’ll be back in like 10 minutes. So we have that much time getting acquainted. I gave Adrian my evil look only resolving in him laughing.

“Why are you here?” I said looking into his eyes.

“Jenny invited me”

“How did she get your number?” I asked.

“I gave it to her a while ago, just in case she was lonely and needed how you would say comforting”. I gritted my teeth together. “No need to get angry Silver it’s not like I like her”

“Yes it obviously doesn’t look like that” Adrian smirked,

“Why don’t we go in the living room it’s much more comfortable in their”

“Is it” I slowly walked into the living room. Sitting on the chair next to the T.V. Adrian sat more close to the door.

“So how are you Silver?”

“I’m over the moon, no ecstatic” I did a short, quick simile at Adrian.

“That’s good, how’s Jamie?” Why would he want to know?

“He’s fine I guess” Adrian nodded.

“So when are you coming for tutoring?”

“Thursday” I replied quickly.

“Ok” We sat in silence until we heard the door open and could smell the perfume of Jenny coming through the door. I did a sigh of relief. I walked to the entrance, and there was Jenny struggling to get of her boots.

“Hey Silv” She said taking of her left boot. When she finally took of the right, she came and gave me a nice warm hug. I hugged her back, like I hadn’t seen her in years. Then I heard those annoying words.

“Hey Adrian” Jenny said coming out of our hug and shoving me as she past to Adrian. I turned around, and there he stood leaning against the wall, flirting with Jenny. I sighed once more but this time of annoyance.

“Well I guess you don’t need me, so I better get going”

“Yeah sorry Silver I called you then Adrian because I was bored, but if you want you can go. Lets watch TV Adrian” Jenny rushed into the living room. She really had changed.

“Bye” I said quietly to Adrian. I put my hand on the door handle.

“You don’t have to go” He said.

“It’s quite obvious Jenny prefers the company of you then her own best friend” Adrian put his hand on my hand making me shiver. Slowly he made my hand follow his of the handle and back to my side. He then took his hand away. I turned around.

“Stay” He gently smiled.  He then moved slowly towards me he got to the point of us nearly touching that I moved back until I hit the door. His hand moved too my chin. To my shock I wasn’t stopping him, he softly place it on my chin making me once again have a chill down my spine. He made my head move up so we were staring at each other. He then started moving his face towards mine, but I couldn’t do anything my whole body felt stiff, frozen, like I couldn’t move. I closed my eyes; I wanted to push him but my body, stiff as ice.

“What are you guys doing” Jenny said I reopened my eyes and smiled at her. I came away from, Adrian and hugged Jenny.

“What’s up Silv?”

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