Time to meet the parents

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Kaylee and I sat a road away from Jamie's road; we sat in silence, and were waiting until it was at least five to seven. I had that butterfly feel in my stomach. My eyes continually glanced at the time.

"Don't be nervous, everything will be fine. Look at you, forget your personality they will love your looks" I was not impressed by her 'reassuring' comment.

"You really are vain" She sounded surprised I had said that although she did not reply meaning she knew I was right.

"This boy is pretty serious about you?" I nodded.

"I guess he is" I fiddled with my fingers.

"You don't seem as into him though" she said leaning back in her chair. My head shot up.

"I am, just a lot of stuff has been happening recently, I'm just finding it hard to think properly" I said defending myself, as anyone else would.

"A lot of stuff to do with Adrian" she said softly. Not making eye contact but she knew she was right but I was not going to admit of course.

"No, with school work, friendship and family" I partly lied. She shrugged her shoulders. She then looked towards the time.

"Let's go" She started up the car, and off we went. She drove slowly as her eyes on the big houses in the street was to amazing to not stare. "Bloody hell, how wealthy is this kid?" I shook my head.

"I didn't even know he was this rich" I was dazed by the houses. These were houses you would see people living in that owned million pound company's. Then soon go bust and loose it all...oh my imagination. I'm not even going to lie. His parents are probably going to be those posh people who only care about education. However they didn't mind Jamie having a girlfriend. Let's just hope all goes well.

"Okay here is 125 Papule road" she still looked around taking it all in. "If this guy has an older brother, you have to hook me up" I chuckled.

"Whatever Kaylee, I'll text you when to pick me up"

"Okay, have fun" I opened the door stepping out. I felt so underdressed knowing that these people probably wore clothes more expensive then my house. Now I think about it Jamie did always wear those big brand labels Jack Wills, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren. I took a deep breath and walked to the pavement. I turned back to wave to Kaylee whose car was just in the middle of the road. She then gave me thumbs up and slowly drove down the road. I stood before a big black gate, the only way in was by pressing the buzzer. I did just that. A few seconds later a voice answered.


"Hi" I nervously began. "I'm Jamie's girlfriend"

"Oh how exciting come on in" It was obvious this was a lady speaking making it likely to be his mum or even his sister. The doors then opened out to let me in. I began my walk down the gravel path. It took around twenty seconds to actually get to the bottom steps of the front door. As I began to walk up them, the door opened. There stood Jamie smiling like crazy.

"Hello beautiful" He came out, with no shoes went down a few steps and made me link arms with him. "Those heels killing you?" He asked.

"Not yet, I'm not that bad in them" I said laughing. As we got to the front door, he let me pass before him.

"Ladies first" he smirked.

"That's just a pleasant way of saying 'let me look at your arse'" he at once started grinning.

"You know me too well" We both expressed amusement. As I came into his house my eyes were just shocked by everything I saw. This is I swear what Buckingham palace would look like. Not even exaggerating. The floor was marble the ceiling was flipping tall; the colour scheme obviously a professional had done this. The china ornaments and family photos on the glass table. The house spread out in different directions. I did not want to leave. "You really look beautiful Silver" I turned to Jamie; he glanced up and down me.

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