School days

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"I beg of you please help me" Jenny said. " I just want to get him the perfect present that no one else will ever think of and he'll hug me and kiss me then we'll live happily ever after" I hung my head, I wanted tell her what happened at bowling, but she is too happy, I can't just tell her what he did, what he...said. I sighed, and Jenny noticed.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing" I replied. "Jenny what do you like about Adrian, what made you get all excited about him? This one person" She tilted her head.

"I don't know maybe his looks and his personality, he's so dreamy" I thought about what she said his attitude, it's as cold as ice. But he probably keeps his true self hidden from his followers. He really does irritate me.

"Hello, beautiful lady" I turned around, it was Adrian. His presence really ticked me off. "Oh and hi Silver" I glared him once again. Funny one he thought he was.

"Adrian, please don't flatter me" Jenny blushed.

"I'm not I'm simply complementing you". He pushed me aside and came right next to Jenny; he held her face in his hands. "You really are a beauty" he said softly. Jenny had so easily fallen into his trap. He made sure there was eye contact; he made sure she was inches away from him. He was doing this on purpose to get to me. I will definitely not let him get to me, I'll get Jenny away from him with all the power I have.

"Jenny I'll be going ahead" I said smiling at her. Trying to show I was fine when really I wanted to kill him. I walked away not turning my head. If I wanted to get to him I would have to be sneaky, I would have to be...nice to him. It angers me when I think of linking nice and Adrian together.

"Wait Silver" Adrian called I didn't turn. In a blink of an eye he was in front of me, who is this boy?

"What do you want" I harshly said.

"Could you maybe tutor me" He said making eye contact. He has got be joking.

"No no no no no" I quickly said. I walked left to pass him. But he came in front of me.

"Please, I need help in one subject, all I ask is a couple of lessons, and I'll pay"

"So... money is not a matter in my life. Why don't you use that money for someone who doesn't hate you" I walked to the right and he let me pass. I felt good about myself and to think he would be asking me off all people for help. He really has got some nerve, that idiot. He's so stupid they should put him in prison. I laughed at my own silly little joke.

"Silver" I looked up it was Jamie.

"Hey" I said smiling at him.

"Hi, are you free tomorrow" I nodded.

"Would you like to go to a restaurant with me, but if you want you can bring friends" He said.

"Jamie Mane are you asking me out on a date?" I Leaned in.

"Maybe, is that a crime?"


"Well then date?" He asked grinning.

"Okay" Screw the future I want him now.

"Great I'll pick you up let's say seven" he said is eyebrows going up.

"Okay, I'll look forward to it" I licked my lips.

"Cool here's my number just text me" I took this piece of paper with his number out his hand. "See you"

"Bye" he walked away in the opposite direction. I then got out my phone and added the number, after putting the piece of paper in my pocket. I then texted him 'It's Silver add my number x' I put my phone away after that. Man the whole conversation about it depends has gone out the window. I'm going on a date! It feels so good to say that.

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