Born to be bait

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“Do you have your swimming clothes with you?” Another question Jenny pestered me.

“No Jenny, I don’t have any other items for swimming with me either their all at home not even packed”

“Silver, why aren’t you prepared?” Jenny frowned.

“The question is why are you SO prepared?” I replied.

“Because I’m looking forward to spending half a day with my best friend on the beach, which we haven’t been to since we were like eight” she fake smiled.

“Oh really…I guess I could bunk my last lesson and run home n get my swimming gear ready. Meet you after school in an hour or so?” Jenny jumped on me.

“This is why Silver you are officially my favourite.”


I lay back in the sand, my eyes closed, and the small grains covering my feet. The sun heating up my body, the tan lines soon to be. I smiled at the thought.

“Why oh why” Opening my eyes I looked at Jenny her face sad.

“Jenny what’s wrong?” Her head shot to my direction.

“Nothing” she fake smiled. I sat up and looked in the direction she once looked at too. My mouth opened with shock. No it can’t be… that liar.

“I can’t believe he’s here, so he didn’t want to be tutored so he could spend a day at the beach with with…a girl” I kissed my teeth.

“I can’t believe he has a girlfriend, and I thought maybe today I could make my mo…” I turned back to Jenny.

“Wait a second…Jenny did you know Adrian was going to be here?” She shook her head.

“Of course not I’m just as shocked as you are. Aha.” Jenny Lied. I sighed.

“Jenny oh Jenny” I put my hand on her shoulder. “Please forget about Adrian” Jenny shot her head to me.

“Why should I? So you can have him” She fiercely asked.

“What I’m just-”

“No, I can see how you look at him” She shrugged my hand on her shoulder and stood up. “You think your all that don’t you Silver that you know best. Well you don’t so stop acting all caring when the truth is you just want him all for yourself” She walked off towards the sea. Why can’t Jenny just understand, I have no interest in Adrian. He’s just a rival…friend.

“Silver!”I know that voice any I looked to my left and Adrian was walking towards me, I stood up and ran towards the sea were Jenny was.

“What do you want?” She asked.

“Jenny, come on” I slowly went deeper into the Sea. “You know I don’t like Adrian, and I do care about you but I know a player when I see one” Jenny stared at me.

“You think my feelings will just go for him? What if you were in my situation player or not I would stand by you. Not tell you who you can date and who you can’t” she exclaimed.

“But Jenny I don’t want to watch you get hurt” I bit my lip. I shouldn’t have said that.

“What you think he doesn’t like me? Why because he only ever talks about you? Well I’m pretty sure he was going to ask me out so you can just do one Silver”

“Jenny please” Jenny went deeper into the sea walking until her head was just above the water. “Jen don’t go to deep”

“Oh what you’re a chicken now” And like that she dunk her head into the water. I started to walk deeper in maybe if Jenny just saw from my point of view she’ll understand. Hah I thought the only way I can do that is by playing her game. I walked until my head balanced on the water. “I don’t want to put my head in so come out” No head bobbed out the water. Then something grabbed my leg, pulling me under. My arms moved frantically with my legs. I hit whoever did that to me. Making them let go. I went to the surface. I frantically searched for Jenny’s body.

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