Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 6

Start from the beginning

she didn't have a dog, but she had this thing that looked like the bastard child of a tucan and a dragon. it was ugly man. and i think she has a chupacabra......

we went up to her room and just sat around. they talked whille i just told myself that i wasn't staying here forever. this was insane man.

i went to use the bathroom because nature was SCREAMIN AT ME TO GO and then the freaking toilet started talking.....something about processing my dung and checking for abnormalite....? WHAT THE HELL IS IT CHECKING MY POOP FOR?! after it had 'analyzed' my poopoo it declared that my crap was clean. what the hell? then it said something about how it hadn't found enough Vitamin C in my poo......i think i prefered it when toilets DID NOT talk to me about what i dumped in there.

with a shudder i walked out of the bathroom. jeesh.

the vampires had some issue with my hair and every single one of them wanted to do something different to my hair

this vampire wanted to curl it

the other vampire wanted to straighten it-that was so not happening! my hair caught on fire last time that happened, and i don't want to loose the rest of my hair!

another vampire wanted to-did she say primp or pimp my hair?

this one wanted

that one wanted......

they all wanted to do something different with my hair.

my sister wanted to dye my hair silver. no way woman.

the other vampire said that if i got a surgery-there's a surgery to take your eyes out and implant other eyes so that they'll be a different color-to make my eyes prettier. hell no.

they kept talking about me like i was thier barbie doll. i slipped out of the room and they freaked out an hour later because they noticed that i was gone. i had to laugh at them for that.

we stayed outside because i refused to go inside. i was feel clausterphobic.

a robot showed up and started asking me if i wanted anything to drink.

how much cream did i want in my coffe

how many grams of sugar did i want in my coffe

how many drops of cream

how many times should it stir my coffee

in what direction should my coffe be stirred

did i want it to stir my coffe in both directions

how fast did i want it to stir my coffee

what color should the coffee mug be

it measured my hand for the right handle

did i want it to make me a new coffee mug

did i want anything written on the coffe mug

did i want any styles on the coffe mug

did i want it to have 'a theme'

i tuned out the crazy machine asking me about the coffe mug and my coffee

then came the muffin robot

did i want a muffin

how big did i want the muffin

what did i want in the muffin

what flavor did i want to muffin to be-i said blueberry

how many blueberry did i want in the muffin

where did i want the blueberry's to be

did i want it to be a ratio of blueberry to muffin mass-what the?

what color paper did i want the muffin wrap-thingy to be

did i like my muffin buttered

did i want it to be buttered

did i want a specific robot to butter my muffin

what kind of butter did i want on my muffin

did i want more than one kind of butter on my muffin-what the heck?

it asked me about amillion more questions about the muffin. i missed the old days when if you asked for a muffin they only asked you what kind you wanted it to be and not how many blueberries you wanted in it.

at some point i said that i was bored and the robot showed up again asking me what doctor-or did i want a physician?-i wanted to go to.

i went to my room and fell asleep, only to wake up ten minutes later screaming because a robot was asking me what temperature i wanted the room to be.

oh my god, that was a close one, i thought i'd lost my innocence. phew! stupid robot

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