Chapter 6/ Prom queens, minons, and Violence

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Nathalie POV

So I managed to survive my first 2 periods of school just fine, even if my head still pounds and it's almost impossible to focus. Almost.

When Marliz saw me in the hallways, she gave me the hair brush, and eyeliner I had asked her for, so during study hall I went to the bathroom to do my hygiene. While I brushed my blue highlighted hair, the clicking of heels made it way to the restrooms, and a ginger redhead girl walked in. I think her name is Kyla Black, the cheerleader and homecoming queen from....... I don't know when.

She saw me brushing my hair, and took the mirror next to me to retouched her makeup. I took out my liquid elf eyeliner, then started to create a wing, just as the silence in the bathroom was broken.

"Weren't you the emo girl who danced with Cody last night at the party?" I stopped my eyeliner and looked at her, trying so hard to not yell at her for the E word she just said. Do not yell at her Nathalie.

"Umm, well actually Cody danced with me. And weren't you the queen for homecoming?" I pushed back my bangs, and started to wing my other eye; I think I did a good job on holding my mouth shut.

"I won homecoming queen, and I will win prom queen if you don't know. But you left with Isak yesterday right?" Agh I'll have to lie, but does she think I care if she wins prom queen.

"Who? And I don't care about school dances, I bet if you ask anyone that wasn't your minion, they won't even remember who was homecoming king or queen." She looked at me for a while trying to register everything I said, and just returned to the mirror applying lip gloss.

"Ok, Never mind." She mumbled.


I was the first one at lunch, so As I walked into the cafeteria and pulled my black hood down lower, I walked to my circled shaped lunch table that was empty at the moment, and took out a book. Someone then sat across from me and spoke.

"Hey Nathalie." I looked up to see Cody's black hair and emerald green eyes, with his tree minions behind him. Julian Port, Sam Black, and Mitch Ilhing. Are they always early birds for lunch period?

Julian Ports is a football player that was every girls dream man. With Julian's caramel skin, and perfect messy blond hair along with dark hazel eyes were breathtaking; he can control any girl just by his perfect image. And as a bonus, he owned that well built body most girls dream about.

But as attractive Julian is, He is also the one night stand heart braker, so he uses girls which is horrible in my book of the Nathalie way. My own imaginary book that has my opinion on everything.

Sam Black on the other hand, is twins with Kyla Black, the same girl who supposably won homecoming queen. They both share the same ginger red hair, hazel eyes and white skin. He was also taller then all of the four boys, and is a basketball player.

Finally there is Mitch ilhing. Mitch had dark mocha skin, and is the team caption on the football team. Being team caption makes him number 1 on the popular list, but Out of all the them, I have to say that Mitch is the only boy who knows how to treat a girl. At least that's what his blabber mouth girlfriend Lily says.   A girl who crossed paths with me a few years ago.

"What do you want?" I said coldly, while closing my book. Cody looked taken back but shrugged it off and smiled at me.

"Just wanted to sit here with my beautiful partner that I danced with." He stretched his hand over to mine, but I pulled away like if Cody's touch would give me Ebola or the pledge.

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