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9 days ago, my son suffered from on/off fever, my eldest (daughter & a nurse) told me to stay put and observed her younger brother for 3 days, it's not advisable to bring JM to the hospital yet because if it is what she think it is they wouldn't find anything yet, we need 3 days.

Last Tuesday (after days of being sick worried accompanied with paranoia) we brought him to the hospital. And unfortunately, I & my eldest were right. My son was diagnosed with "Dengue Fever".

To make the long story short, he was admitted and we stayed in the hospital for days, that's the reason why my update took a long while. I apologized.

We just came home, I will just update and forgive me if I would not be able to reply on your comments and vote ASAP! I need to regain my strength and so does my son. I am now in "meet me halfway" situation. I have responsibilities to my readers as well. You've waited long enough on this story and I can't let you wait more.

And to all my friends who updated their stories I'm sorry if I didn't had the time to read your updates, now that things are okay and once everything went back to normal again I will catch up on your stories.

Thank you so much for the prayers for my son, and I really appreciate the understanding and patience I get from all of you. God bless you all.

Hope you will enjoy this update.

A.H. Augustus


"Wow, that's a lot!" Kyle said on the other line.

Ely is still frozen, her mouth left open a bit because of shock.

"Babe, are you still there." Kyle asks.

"I have to go; I'll call you again tomorrow." Ely turn the end call and throw her cell on the bed.

Josh put Levy to bed. He pulled the blanket and wrapped it to Levy. He kissed her forehead and then left the room. He didn't look at Ely.

'What is his problem?' Ely asks herself.

She followed Josh, he was about to step on the stairs, Ely called him. But Josh didn't comply. He continues to walk downstairs.

Ely walks fast but she never reached Josh, he's not in the living room, she looked in the kitchen and there's no Josh there. Then she heard the screen door, the soft wind from outside made the screen door slightly closed and open.

Ely approach the main door, she slowly moves the screen door and look for Josh. She saw him into the shore, and Josh keeps on walking.

'What is he doing?' Ely asks herself again. Then a thought crossed her mind, Josh continue to walks, the wave already reached half of his body. "Oh god, no!"

Ely runs towards Josh, she kept on calling his name and asking him to stop but Josh doesn't seem to hear her.

Ely had no choice but to slope down the water, the waves are thumping on her body but she doesn't care. She can't see Josh and she started to worry.

"Josh!...Josh!" Ely shouts "Come on Josh this isn't funny."

"What is not funny?" Josh float beside her. Ely is surprised with Josh sudden float synchronize with wave. She lost her balance, Josh promptly catch her on her waist.

She throws her arms around his neck, then another stroke of wave, much larger waves. Ely got totally drenched; Josh grabbed her and helps her to walk to the shore.

What are you doing?" Josh asked angrily.

"Me..." Ely struck Josh's arm "You are going to kill yourself that's why..."

"What?" Josh is surprised "I just wanted to take a swim what you mean by I wanted to kill myself, and why I would kill myself?"

"I thought..." Ely left unspoken.

"You thought what?"

"Nothing, I will just go inside." Ely stand up and start walking.

"Wait, Ely!" Josh chased her, but Ely continued to walk. Josh caught her in the living room.

"STOP!" Josh grabbed her arm and force her to face him "I won't let you run this time Ely, you are going to give me the answer I need, why did you follow me on the beach and why did you thought that I'm going to kill myself?"

"I just thought, okay!"

"Yeah, I heard you the first time, the question is why?"

"You will laugh at me if I told you why?"

"Try me" Josh delivered a straight face.

"I thought..." Ely is having second thoughts on whether she will say it or not but the way he looked at Josh, he won't stop until he had the answer he needs. "I thought you're going to kill yourself because you heard me saying I love you to Kyle." Ely said quickly, she looked down because she's ashamed of her thoughts.

No response from Josh, when Ely turn her eyes back at him there's a restrained smile on his face.

"Don't strain yourself you can laugh if you wanted too." Ely said in a scornful tone.

"I'm not laughing" Josh said, but the restrained smile remained on his face.

"Yeah, you're fighting yourself not to laugh."

"What this?" Josh points his face "I'm not fighting myself not to laugh; I'm preventing myself not to smile broadly not because you thought I'd kill myself that I heard you said I love you to Kyle but because you don't want me to die after I heard you said I love you to Kyle."

"It would be on my conscience if you really actually wanted to kill yourself."

"Yeah, maybe" Josh shrugged his shoulders but he didn't took his eyes off to Ely. "But I think it's more than your conscience, there's more."

"There is nothing more" Ely said with determination.

"There's only one way to prove that."

Josh held the back of her head then kisses her. Ely pushed him but Josh wrapped his other arm on her waist. It was a tender kiss, and then gently he moves his lips inviting Ely to react.

Ely was left confused, this is exactly what she's afraid of, to be drawn by her emotion. But she can't no longer afford to think what is right and wrong, Josh's kiss confused her, his arms around her confuses her mind.

Ely gently moves her arms onto his neck, while she responds to his kiss. Josh lifts her and carried her to the couch.

'Whatever' Ely said to herself.

Ely restrained herself to think and allow Josh, Ely didn't object with his kiss, his caress, her mind said its wrong but her body lured her.

And they made love.


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