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Can't sleep, I can't catch up on my reading either, so I decided to update another chapter for your pleasure and my honor. Please enjoy this update.

Kyle went to the club owned by Ana, It's a place where you can relax and have a drink while you watched the performers on the stage.

Ana also performed in that club, Kyle didn't really understand why Ana had to do that but it's none of his business, that evening Ana is performing on the stage. According to Ana it was her second set and she would like to dedicate the song to those new comers.

Kyle had no idea how many new comers had come, but he's sure he's one of them. Kyle chose the table in the corner, it was dark in that spot, and nobody would notice he was there. He wanted to be alone, but drinking alone at home is a bad idea, not now that his mood is not that really good.

"This is for you" Ana said while the intro of the song "It's Wrong for me to love you" starts.

Kyle can't help but to smirk, that song fits his mood. 'Did she saw me when I came in?' Kyle asks himself, but he doubted that, Ana would acknowledge his presence if she saw her. That's what Ana do when she saw some friends coming in to her club, and he considered himself as Ana's friend there's no doubt on that.

When Ana started to sing, Kyle thought of Ely.

Fate led you straight to me,

You came and suddenly

Yeah, it was really fate, he wasn't supposed to direct the movie because he had another project, but all of a sudden that other project had problem with the production and they need to cancel it, he called Johnny and asks if the offer still stands, it's been a month and they probably found a new director, but to his surprised the offer still stands.

I was weak beyond control;

I had given you my soul,

My life was no longer mine.

Yeah, he's weak beyond control, the first he saw Ely on that party before they started shooting he fell for her. And when Ely answered him, he promised he will give his life to Ely and he did.

I love you more that life itself,

I never loved anyone else.

I've tried to stop myself so many times,

It hurts me.

He knew about Josh, he knew Ely still have feeling for Josh, he's not dumb, he just ignore that fact. Ely gave him the chance to be with her, it was wise to take that opportunity. To be with the person you love the most.

A love like ours;

Where can it go,

Cause now I know,

It's wrong for me to stay and love you.

It's not wrong to love Ely, but Kyle is confused, was it right for him to stay?

One life won't let love grow,

It has no place to go,

So tell yourself be strong.

He tried to be strong, he tried to fight and he will keep on fighting but what if Ely doesn't want him to fight for her.

But the world tells you you're wrong,

Cause life has the final say.

'Yeah, suck it.' Kyle told to himself then he took his third shot of whiskey and then called the waiter and asks for another two shots.

A love like ours,

Where can it go?

Kyle doesn't know...he's hoping his relationship with Ely will lead to his happiness.

I must be strong,

Cause now I know.

'Keep on fighting Kyle' command him to himself.

It's wrong for me to say,

It's wrong for me to stay.

His mind says he can but how long his heart can take the pain, the pain that he caused Ely because he's with her and she pretends she loved him.

And love you,

And love you.

Does he really love Ely? The answer is yes! He loves Ely more than anything, more than himself. And if you really love someone you will make her happy even if it means hurting your own self.

He's afraid of losing Ely, but he would be a coward if he wouldn't face and accept the truth.


Dun-da-nanan!...i know right, finally I am doing what I was supposed to do and you want to love me again. Hehe,

But hey this isn't about Kyle only. There's other people involve, and what if Kyle loves Ely so much that he will changed his mind and chose to be selfish.

And what if Ely won't let go of Kyle, and that decision would cloud Kyle's judgment. To hell with Josh, to hell with Ely's feelings, she's with him and that's all matter. You do that sometimes when you love the person so much.

Well, we'll see. Update again tomorrow babes!

Babes...means women only, sound sexists. But babe can be an endearment to opposite sex, so yeah...BABES!


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