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"Are you okay?" Tony asked Ely.

They're having lunch with Liza.

"No I am not."

"Is this about Josh, Liza told me about the 'mineral water' the other day."

Ely look at Liza and said "Is there any secret with you?"

"Yeah, but with regards to your personal life especially if it's Josh Scurlock I can't keep that to Tony." Liza smiled at Ely. "So, what is the problem?"

"Josh Scurlock." Ely took a deep breath.

"Is he bothering your very private life again?" Tony asks.

"He came to my place yesterday...and my brother were there..." Ely said.

"And your brother knew" Liza winked.

"I told him everything; I have a feeling my brother would tell my parents everything."

"That is a blessing in disguise" Liza said "It's about time; finally you can stand to lose because they know the truth. Didn't you say you find it difficult telling all the lies about Levy's father, now you are free? They can protect you better now that they know."

Ely agreed with Liza besides her brother is not really that angry. He understands why she had to lie. And her brother told her to keep all the lies about Levy's father. "It would be for the best" that's what her brother said.

"So, what is the problem then?" Tony is curious.

"Josh, what is he doing at my place and he saw Levy you think he knew."

"Stop being paranoid" Liz composed Ely "Maybe Josh wants to be friends with you, maybe Ana put some sense into him...you know."

"Yeah maybe" Ely is convinced.

When she went back to work later that afternoon Josh didn't speak with her. Ana smiled a bit but Josh, nothing, he avoids looking at her.

'Should I approach him?' Ely asks herself. But then she decided not to.

"Trouble?" Kyle approached Ely with a smile on his face.

"No, I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Too personal, what's with the crew?"

"Doesn't worry Johnny can take care of that?"

Kyle told a joke to Ely and she burst into laughter. Ely is not aware that Josh is watching them. And Josh can't help but be angry. Ely is living with someone and she flirts with Kyle. Josh rushed to them and confronts Ely.

"You really are something Miss Reyes." He furrowed his eyebrows and his eye squints a little.

"Is there something wrong Josh?" Kyle asks.

Josh ignored Kyle, he didn't take his eyes off Ely and he continued.

"How can you flirt with Kyle when you're living with someone else?"

Ely was shock, she didn't know how to respond. Kyle saves her.

"What do you mean?"

Josh turns his eyes and look at Kyle firmly.

"Do you know she have a kid."

"Yeah, I am aware of that, in fact that's what I like about her the most. Being a single mom is not easy and she manages to survive that."

"Well, she's not single. Ely here...is actually cohabiting with the father of her child."

Josh lifts his eyebrows a little, telling Ely and Kyle he's confident with the information he gathered.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Ely took the bait, Josh is pushing her limits.

"Good looking guy, masculine built." Josh look at Ely with a smirk on his face.

"Brown eyes, clean cut, 5'11 Caucasian" Kyle butts in.

"Exactly" Josh agrees more "Did you meet him?" Josh asks Kyle, he didn't take off the smirk in his face.

"That is my brother you dumb a**" Ely turn her back from Kyle and Josh.

Josh was surprised; he didn't know Ely has a brother. His private investigator failed to mention that to him.

"She has a brother?" Josh plastered a confuse look while he ask Kyle.

"Yeah, Errol, he's older than Ely. Sometimes he came over to her place to take care of Levy."


"Ely's daughter, sweet kid and beautiful, just like her mother."

Kyle slightly taps his shoulder, and then he walks away. Josh look at Ely, she's talking to Johnny.

'Stupid, stupid, stupid' Josh scolds himself. 'You better learn how to control your temper Josh' he told to himself.

He walks towards his brother and Ely, he was embarrassed with his behavior a while ago and he needs to save face.

"Can I interrupt you guys for a moment?" Josh asks permission to his brother and Ely.

"If you will insult me again Mr,. Scurlock save your breath. I've got better things to do than to hear your stupid accusations." She looks at Josh and didn't bulge.

"What is going on?" Johnny asks.

"Your brother is a jerk."

"Wow!" Johnny is amazed with Ely's straight forward answer.

"I know" Josh softens his tone. "And I'm sorry Ely. I just..." Josh didn't know how to say he's jealous. Ely would not believe him.

"You're just what?" Ely lifts her eyebrows.

Josh meet her eyes, he look at her with compassion and said:"I'm sorry alright." Then he left.

"Your brother is a loony." Ely shakes her head a little.

Johnny laughs "Well, sometimes love can make people crazy." He said meaningfully.

Million Miles Away (Pentagon Series Book II)Where stories live. Discover now