Josh & Johnny

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Josh lit a cigarette, then he breathe deeply and spewed the smoke then puff another one. And then he held his cigarette on his chest as he thought of Ely.

When he woke up that morning and realized Ely was gone, he was so angry. She left without saying a word. He still remembers that evening when he took Ely. It may be absurd but he does fell for her.

Ely is not really hard to fall in love with. For the first time Josh felt comfortable with someone. The day and the evening he spend with Ely was the only time Josh felt being with his real self.

Ely brought that kind of Josh, the real Josh who's been away for some time and Josh was happy to have Ely then she's gone.

For three months, Josh was filled with anger, he can't fathom the thought that Ely would go for a one night stand. After what he discovered that evening, he being her first, he felt he was the luckiest man in the world.

Being the first to a woman he felt really something special for the first time. He planned on asking Ely to be with her over breakfast. But to his dismay, Ely was gone and he was so stupid to be angry.

Three months later he decided to look for her. But Ely graduated from NYU, and the school won't give any information about her.

He kept on looking, then one day Josh saw his co-actor on his one film reading a book. It said Ely Reyes as the author. Somewhere in his mind and his heart tells that it was the Elydia Reyes he was looking for.

He called the publication to confirm if there is an Elydia Reyes working in there. He got lucky that the receptionist gave information about Ely. He hired a private investigator.

It was dumb of him to look for her in New York and Jersey for years. Finally he realized why he can't find her; he can't find Ely in New York or Jersey for she lived in Westminster California. All these years, she's not that far away from him. All these years, after the long wait and the longing he finally found Ely.

But when a private investigator told him Ely has a daughter but she's not married he was disappointed. He convinced himself Ely is really the kind of girl who is easy... cheap... but no matter how hard he tried he can't forget Ely.

'Maybe I need a closure' that's what he told to himself 'maybe I'm curious why she had to go without saying a word.'

Then he talked to his brother. He told about Ely, and both of them been lucky that Ely have bestsellers. They planned to hire Ely and it worked. Now Ely is within his reach, he imagined his self what to do when he met Ely again.

He had plans, but Ely walked out on their first meeting and on the party Ely seems not the same Ely he used to know. The sweet, naïve and kind Ely has gone. All he ever sees was an annoying Ely.

She's now far more different from the Ely he met on Jersey, she's proud of herself, somewhat arrogant, she carry herself pretty well that she gets along with every cast and crew except for him. And Josh can't understand why Ely treated him like he's infectious. She always avoids him and he wanted to know why but Josh never had the courage to ask Ely.

Josh stopped from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door. He said "come in" it was his brother Johnny.

"Did you saw her?" Josh is curious.

"Yeah, I got lucky. She even agreed on a ride to her place." Johnny sat on the couch.

"Did you meet her daughter?"

"She wouldn't let me in, I tried but she refused."

Josh took a deep breath and occupied the other side of the couch.

"Maybe you should quit brother."

"You think so?"

"It's been two months; Kyle is making progress while you..." Johnny laughs softly. "I hate to tell you this brother but I don't think Ely is into you like what you said."

"I don't know what happened but she's not the same girl I used to know."

"You don't know her Josh; I don't think one night is sufficient to know a person."

"I knew her, I told you already I was her first."

"That doesn't make you an expert either." Johnny put a slight grasp on his brother's shoulder. "Have you ever considered the fact that maybe Ely doesn't want you in her life? It's been four years, she may be moved on."

"Nah, that's not the kind of Ely I knew."

"Josh, she has a kid."

"I know that, what if that kid is mine?"

"What if it doesn't?"

Josh throws himself into deep thinking, he reflects himself on the situation and he can only come up with one answer, just like always.

"It doesn't matter, whether the kid is mine or not. I love her Johnny."

Johnny took a deep breath and rise from the couch.

"Well...maybe it's time you change your attitude towards her, take her back brother."

Johnny left his brother with his thoughts.

'I will take you back again Ely' Josh is convinced.


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