It All Started

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Ely checked out from her room she occupied last night, she needs to rent a room for one evening in one hotel in Jersey because the person she needs to interview yesterday has been late, she’s a journalism student at NYU, and she’s doing an article about the famous cello player Vladimir.

 Her appointment with Vladimir was 3 pm yesterday afternoon, unfortunately Mr. Vladimir had an emergency, his assistant told her that Mr. Vladimir needs to cancel his 3 pm, but he would be available over dinner, Ely grabbed that chance, Jersey is a long drive from New York, plus she need to submit her paper, not to mention the final exams, let alone making an appointment to someone like Vladimir is almost impossible, she only got lucky because he told Mr. Vladimir’s assistant  she’s a student and not a regular press.

Dinner meeting became late dinner; she patiently waited in a restaurant where Mr. Vladimir assistant made arrangement for her interview. It’s almost midnight when they finished. Ely decides to stay and spend the evening in a hotel, she’s sleepy and she won’t take the risk of driving alone to New York City.

“What is going on?”

Ely asks the hotel staff who accommodates her checking out the room. There are people on the lobby and there is some kind of a commotion.

“There’s a snow storm, the highway is filled with snow and no one is able to drive going to New York or other places nearby.”

“What storm?”

“Didn’t you watch the news last night?”

“Yeah I did watch the news but the weather man said it’s going to be snowy not a snow storm.”

“Yeah, weather guy!”

The staff smiled at her telling that sometimes you can’t trust the weather report.

“If those travelers are stuck in here that means I can’t drive all the way to New York.”

“I’m afraid not ma’am.”

Ely sigh with disappointment. She dialed her cell phone and called her roommate. Apparently her friend can’t do anything, according to her roommate their front door can’t be opened due to snow blocking the pathway, and there is no way she can rescue her because of the storm.

“The only solution you have is to stay wherever you are right now, it would be safer.” That’s what her friend says. Ely decides to talk the staff she talked a while back.

“I need my room again; I can’t travel with this snow all over the place.”

“I’m afraid that’s not possible Miss Reyes.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, this Mister made a reservation after you check out.”

Ely look at the Mister the staff is referring, she almost fades. It’s Josh, Josh Scurlock, the Hollywood heartthrob.

“I’ll have another room instead.” Ely managed to suppress her emotion not to jump at Josh.

“That would be another no possibility ma’am, there’s only one room left and that room was the room you occupied last night.”

'This is not happening,' Ely said to herself where would she go, this is the only hotel available nearby.

“Okay, I think I’m going to try my luck with other hotels.” She said with confidence.

“I’m afraid you wouldn’t want to do that Miss, every hotel in the city is occupied, why do you think I am staying in this hotel?” Josh said “No offense.” He followed making an apology to the staff.

“I think I can handle a motel.”

“You don’t want to do that either, if a 1 star hotel like us is filled, there is that 100 percent chance that the motels here are also fully booked already. I mean, not a lot of people can afford our room.”

“Okay so you are telling me, there are no 1,2,3,4,5, stars hotel available, not even a motel, and you just told me it would not be a good idea to get out of here, but you have no available room for me.

“Yes ma’am”

“Perfect! That is so wonderful! You’ve been such a great help Allison,”

“How did you know my name?”

“Ahm…name tag HELLO!”

“I’m willing to share my room with you.” Josh said.

“Excuse me?”

Million Miles Away (Pentagon Series Book II)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu