Annoying Josh

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It's been two weeks since they started shooting, Johnny asks Ely to visit the set regularly. Sometimes there's some irregularity with the script and the actors who played the part and they need to compromise.

It would be easier for the production if she stayed. So far everything is well, for two weeks, until today. Ana and Josh are doing a bed scene, and it's been 20 takes already.

"I can't do it" Ana said.

"Ana sweetie you need to do it, it's in the script." Kyle is trying to convince Ana.

"Is there any problem?" Johnny asks.

"Ana didn't like the bed scene." Josh answered.

"Is there something wrong?" Ely asks.

"She thinks it's too sexy, too daring" Kyle said.

Ely lift her eyebrow 'this woman is trying my patience, too sexy, too daring as if she's not a sl**' Ely said to herself.

"I can't do it, what we do on that bed...we...well Josh and I" Ana reluctantly shakes his head. "No, I won't do it; that's too personal for me." Ana said acting like she's ashamed.

Again Ely lift her eyebrow 'that was me and Josh, not you and Josh, you bi**'

"I think Ana is right it's too sultry" Josh agreed with Ana.

'Sultry, the lights were turned off' Ely speaks to herself but she can't help but smile with Josh choice of word 'SULTRY, I like that'

"Are you enjoying this lady?" Josh scorns.

"Enjoying what?" Ely is confused.

"Making Ana uncomfortable?"

"Excuse me, how did I make her uncomfortable?"

"You wrote the script, you want this to happen"

"Hold on one second Mr. Scurlock, A. I have no idea who will play those roles when I wrote the script. And B. I don't even know it will have an adaptation so don't accuse me of anything. I did my job as a writer, it's time you should do yours."

"Oh, so you're saying Ana is not good?"

"Me, really?" Ana interrupts "You are the one who is uncomfortable not me."

'Seriously this woman' Ely tried to control the irritation to get out from her system but she can't help it so she butts in "Wait didn't you say you find the scene uncomfortable because it's "TOO PERSONAL" I believe that was 10 seconds ago and now it's Josh, there's some statement conflict in there don't you think?" Ely smiled sweetly.

Ana opens her eyes widely and acts like she's going to bait into a fight.

"Alright, calm down ladies" Johnny said "I think Ely is right."

"Yeah" Kyle said "I'm glad you say that Johnny, you two read the script, you knew about the bed scene, why are you having a cold feet now?"

"Oh, so you're on her side" Josh smirk "Both of you?"

"Why don't we take a break Kyle?" Johnny ignores his brother.

"That's a good idea."

Kyle, Ana and Johnny walk away, when Ely start to walk Josh chase her arm.

"How does it feel, having two powerful people on your side?" Josh is angry.

"You have your own power Josh Scurlock why don't you use it."

Then she loose Josh grip from her arm and walk away. She walks towards Kyle.

"Thank you for the back-up, you really don't have to do that." Ely said to Kyle.

"I am not backing you up Ely."

"Okay, thanks anyway"

Kyle looks at her like he is analyzing her.

"Alright, I did back you up but Johnny is on your side too, you're story is great and it's my job to keep the greatness of your story."

"Thanks" Ely smiled a little.

"Don't mention it." Kyle winked at her.

As the days pass by Ely became friends with Johnny and Kyle, she found herself really comfortable with these guys and often times Liza would tease her. But she told Liza that there is nothing going on.

"How about your hero" Liza asks her.

Ely scoffs "Please stop addressing him as my hero because he is not."

"Isn't the character Josh played was the hero of your novel?"


"Then, Josh is your hero"

"You sound like there is something more than my novel when you say that Josh is my hero."

"I don't know, you tell me."

"There is nothing to tell Liz."

"I'm your friend Ely, I came in and out in your house and I'm like a family, your family treats me like a family. I've known you for almost four years, and I know about Levy.

"What do you know about my daughter?"

"That you chose not to tell your parents and your brother about Levy's father."

"Liza you are imagining things again."

"Honestly my friend, I wish I am because if my imagination is's not good for you and Levy, maybe it's a good thing for your daughter but for you."

Liza looked at Ely.

"What do you mean?"

"Just be careful Ely, this man hurt and ruined your future once, don't make him hurt and ruin you again."

Ely laughs softly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing" Liza looks straight to her eyes "Don't say I didn't warn you girl."

Million Miles Away (Pentagon Series Book II)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon