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Last day of shooting Josh gave Ely a bouquet of roses on the set.

"What's this?" Ely asked, they're inside the tent.

"I told you I'm not giving up Ely."

"And I told you I'm with Kyle." Ely said.

"And I told you you're not Mrs. Hickman yet so I will keep on fighting and I won't give up."

And Ely wanted to say 'what's with not giving up, you're with Ana and you're a liar.' But Ely managed to control herself.

And then out of nowhere someone asks.

"Fight for what and not giving up on what?"

It's Kyle, they didn't notice Kyle came in.

"Josh said... if I will take Levy away from him...then... he would fight for his Levy." Ely is really uncomfortable; she looked at Josh and gave him a warning look not to speak of anything.

Josh delivered an amused look.

"Nice flowers." Kyle said, he points at the bouquet of roses Ely held in her arms.

"Yeah" Ely points to Josh awkwardly "He gave it to me as a gratitude...for our dinner...I mean that dinner I introduced him to Levy."

Kyle nods but with a look that he's not convince "A little too late don't you think?" he smiled at Josh.

"No" Josh smiled back, "it's never too late... I mean the gratitude, right Ely?"

"Yeah." Ely said softly.

"Well" Kyle said, he noticed Ely's awkwardness and he didn't want Ely to sense he knew she is covering something and that somehow she's lying with what is really going on.

He smiled to both of them and said. "This is our last day of shooting and I really had a great time and it's really a pleasure working with both of you. I just wanted to say that... that's why I came in."

"The pleasure is mine, my friend." Josh reached his left arm for a handshake, Kyle comply then Josh continue "But...Ely here, our captivating writer have two more novels that will have an adaption, so...we still have two more projects to work...I mean the three of us" Josh smiled with tease.

"Yeah, I'm excited with that." Kyle smiled "Actually, we're excited with that" Kyle wrapped his other arm around Ely's and said "Right, babe?"

When Ely turns her eyes to Kyle he was staring at her like he's saying 'Please pretend you are'.

Ely smiled, she puts her 'Jersey smile' when she turn back her eyes to Josh and said "I love working around with Kyle and can't wait till we shoot again." She even wrapped her other arms on Kyle's waist.

Josh crossed his arms over his chest and studied Ely's gesture. 'Convincing' he thought, then furrowed his eyebrows and thought again 'but I'm not convinced'. Then he smiled a little and said "That makes the three of us then, I mean...I also love working with Kyle...and you of course." Josh didn't take his eyes off Ely.

Ely looked down; Kyle felt the awkwardness again so he made a joke.

"You love working with me like... Ely loves working with me, I've got to say buddy that is creepy."

Josh scoffs, "You know what I mean buddy."

Kyle laughs softly "yeah, I was just joking" he look at Ely then turn his look back to Josh with a plastered smile but with a thought 'but I know what it means when you said you love working with Ely.'

Then silence...Ely's eyes stuck on the floor, arm still wrapped around Kyle's waist. Kyle maintains his arm over Ely's shoulder kept his smile plastered.

And Josh, he still gazing at Ely; he didn't care about Kyle's presence. He didn't even care even if Kyle would notice that he still have intention to his girlfriend.

"I'm gonna have to check the crew." Kyle said, he can't stand the pressure. He can't afford to see how uncomfortable Ely is.

And the way Josh looked at her girlfriend, he knew exactly what it means and he want to smack his face but can he blamed Josh? He loves Ely too, and if things were reverse, if he is Josh, he will put the same fight.

Kyle forced himself to liven up his voice "This is our last day and there's no room for mistake." He even pats Josh's shoulder and said "I'll see you guys around" then he left the tent.

Ely felt guilty, she wanted to follow Kyle and apologized but then Kyle would wonder why, and she can't tell Kyle that Josh is trying to win her back. Kyle is a good guy, he had enough insecurity when it comes to Josh and by telling him Josh's intention it would bring tension to their relationship and Kyle didn't deserve that.

The only thing that Kyle needs to know is that she's with him now and Josh is out of the picture, for him to feel secure. Ely shook her head slightly, she's bothered and confused with her actions.

"What you've said to Kyle, you know...The flowers...the fighting and not giving up."

"I know" Ely stops Josh "I told him a different story and it's none of your business."

Ely moves with his feet to get out of the tent but Josh stopped her.

"You lied." Josh looked into her eyes "You're lying to Kyle like he's your husband." Josh smiled "And that makes me your "paramour". Josh smirk.

Ely ignored Josh; she went out of the tent as fast as she could.

'This is madness' Ely told herself 'and it needs to stop.'

She needs to avoid Josh at all cost.


I know this whole winding story about Josh and Ely is starting to annoy you, 31 chapters published and nothing is happening that is somehow interesting. I'm so sorry guys.

But there's more beating around the bush so...Sue Me!

Just kidding, (serious on more beating around the bush though) please bear with me. Don't quit on Josh and Ely please.

And even it's annoying please vote and comment.



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