Trip 2

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The beach house owned by Josh in Bahamas is not really that grand. But the landscape and the rest house are pretty impressive.

It was surrounded by coconut trees, the house was build with woods, there's a terrace on the second floor which is also the size of the porch.

There's picnic table near the shore roofed with shrubs. Plants with flowers hedge around the house. Ely can't help but notice the touch of simplicity.

If not for the yacht that they used to reach the beach house and now parked on the private dock you wouldn't think that the place is owned by the famous Josh Scurlock.

"Disappointed?" Josh asks Ely.

"With what?" Ely is confused.

"That the beach house is not as grandeur like any Hollywood A lister."

"I'm not, but I got to ask..." Ely paused, she's doubtful. If she starts to ask question like 'What's with the simplicity, you can have the magnificence yet you chose to have this'... it would lead to a conversation and it would feel like Jersey again, she and Josh being with themselves alone, no camera, no crews, Levy is not really a distraction.

"You've got to ask what?" There's curiosity on his face.

"How many bedrooms do you have?" Ely chose not to ask question that would required a conversation.

Josh chuckles "Ely this is a private beach house, if I wanted to have sex with you it wouldn't matter whether we sleep on the same room or not."

Ely froze, they reach the porch already and Josh is putting his key to the door. When he opened the door he went inside first, he motions his hand telling Ely and Levy to come in.

Levy rushed inside. She's too excited and jumps on the couch. Josh followed his eyes to Levy there's triumph in his face. When he turns his eyes to Ely he changed his expression with amusement.

The thought of what he said before he opened the door crossed his mind. He wanted to burst into laughter but he suppresses it, instead he said:

"Just to answer your question, there are four bedrooms in here and having sex with you is just a joke. I won't do anything without your consent."

Ely glared at Josh and went inside.


Josh gave them a tour inside and outside the house. Its past four in the afternoon, Levy asked Ely if she can play on the beach, Ely nods.

Levy held his father's hand and pulled him towards the shore. Ely sat on the picnic table. As she watched her daughter with her father, giggling while both of them run forward chasing the tide then run backwards to avoid the tides, Ely felt warmth.

She never imagined things will be like this. Levy with his father, and Josh accepting Levy with all his heart. She promised to avoid Josh at all costs, and coming with them is not exactly the kind of stay away from Josh she had in mind.

But Levy's happiness is at stake, she's not sure if she can avoid Josh now that they're in this private island. And she doubted herself if she can control her emotion if Josh ask him to be with her. But she needs to set aside everything for Levy.

'This is just a family bonding, no hanky-panky' Ely remind of herself again.


They went inside the house before dawn. Ely prompt Levy upstairs to cleaned her up but Levy insist she want her father. Ely started to feel jealous but she ignored that. Levy is just anxious with father's care.

But Josh sense that, he sat down to look at Levy's face and said: "Daddy needs to prepare dinner; you should go with mommy." Levy agreed with a smile.

Then they had dinner together, no awkwardness, Levy always have a good appetite but tonight it seems she have more appetite. She also gave her father a compliment with his cooking skills.

After dinner, Josh asked Levy to watch a movie. It's past her bedtime but Ely didn't oppose. She went upstairs and left Josh and Levy watching little mermaid.

Josh gave them the master's bedroom to use during their stay. At home Levy sleeps in a separate room. But Ely insists she and Levy needs to sleep in the same room. Josh wanted to laugh again when Ely said that while he toured them around the house. The thought of Ely is afraid to be alone in a room because it would give him a chance to initiate intimacy didn't failed to crossed on his mind.

And he find that amusing, knowing that Ely had that thought. He had the same thought, he is actually hoping for that. But amuses him. There may be fear, but it's not the kind of fear defined in the dictionary, she's afraid that she won't refused if he insists and Josh like that thought.

Ely took a shower, when she went out in the bathroom she heard that Josh and Levy are still watching the little mermaid. She left the door opened. Ely wondered whether she would join them or wait in the room for Levy.

In the end she decided to join them, she's about to go downstairs when she heard her cell phone.

It was a message alert tone; she grabbed her purse and took her cell. It has ten missed calls, twenty messages and seven voice mail.

And it all came from Kyle.

"Gosh, how can I forget?" Ely scolds herself.


 Okay that's three chapters, in just one update, i hope i already make it up to you guys. the updates won't take long. i will update in a constant basis. and it will happen because i didn't say i promise right. I normally don't keep my promise i mean making promise is already hard enough it's harder to keep it. hehe.

Anyways...thanks again and hope you like the updates...i mean like UPDATESSSSS!!!!

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Million Miles Away (Pentagon Series Book II)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora