Josh & Ely

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The next day, Ely woke up with a terrible headache, she drank too much last night, her friends Tony and Liza took her home. She glanced at the alarm clock on her bedside table. It's half past nine in the morning.

'Where is Levy?' she asked herself and then she thought maybe her parents didn't brought Levy home last night. When she rises up, a strike of pain rushed through her head.

She slowly walks towards the bathroom, a cold shower would be best, but Ely decides she needs coffee first; she just brushed her teeth and decides to make coffee for herself.

Ely is approaching towards the kitchen when she heard her daughter Levy talking.

"When did you meet my mom?" Her daughter asks whoever someone she's talking to.

Ely hides herself, she saw her parents but her daughter is obviously not talking to her grandparents. Levy is sitting on the chair facing someone. Ely didn't saw who her daughter is talking to.

"Are you friends of mommy?" Levy continued to ask.

Ely smiled, her daughter is kind of persistent.

"I've known your mom since before you were born?"

Ely opened her eyes widely, it was Josh Scurlock. 'What does Josh Scurlock doing in her kitchen, and why is he talking to Levy?' Ely was shock. Did her parents let him in, why? Those are the series of questions keeps on pondering on her thoughts.

"Where did you met?" Ely heard her father asked.

'Oh no!' Ely said to herself, she rushed herself to the kitchen to stop the conversation.

"What are you doing here?" Ely didn't hesitate to go straight to Josh.

"I..." Josh can't find the right words; he practiced what would he say if Ely ask him that question. He expected that kind of question from Ely, but what he didn't expect is to see Ely on her PJ's.

It's not actually pajamas; it's a sexy boxer short and tank top. Her hair is not comb yet, Josh saw a lot of women who just woke up in the morning and they're pretty..."PRETTY DIFFERENT" without their make-up and fancy clothes. They say that if you wanted to see the real beauty of a woman, wait her to wake up in the morning, that's when a woman appearance is at their worst.

But Ely, she's beautiful even without make-up, she just came from sleep and she's beautiful.

"You what?" Ely asks, there is an obvious annoyed tone on her voice.

"I...I brought you some roses." Josh took the flowers from the table and hand it to Ely.

But Ely ignored him; she didn't take her eyes of Josh's face. "You didn't answer my question, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to see you." Josh avoids Ely's eyes while he brushed his hand on the back of his neck.

"Mommy, Mr. Scurlock made some breakfast." Levy said to her then she turns to Josh and said "You know Sir, mommy can't think until she had her coffee."

"What?" Josh is confused.

"Give her a cup of coffee." Levy is like giving orders to the famous Josh Scurlock.

"I'm sorry" Josh rushed to the coffeemaker and pours a cup; he went to Ely and gave her the coffee. He smiled at Ely uncomfortably.

Ely saw her parents and Levy smiling at each other, Josh pulled a chair and asks Ely to sit but she didn't comply.

"Josh came early this morning" Ely's father explained to her. "He introduced himself to us and he asked if he can speak with you."

"And you let him in?" Ely find it odd.

Her mother stand up and approached her, "I think you two need to talk" Her mother look at her father telling him to give them some privacy.

"Should we take Levy?" Mr. Reyes asked.

"I want to stay grandpa" Levy insists.

"We'll take our leave now Mr. Scurlock." Mrs. Reyes said.

"Please ma'am, call me Josh." Josh plastered a shy smile.

Ely's parents left, she took the chair next to Levy she sips her coffee while Levy continues her breakfast. Josh occupied the seat on the other side of the table after he grabbed a plate for Ely and then he put some bacon to Levy's plate.

"Do you like bacon?" Josh asks.

"Yes, Sir." Levy smiled at Josh and took a bite of her bacon.

'It's dad sweetheart' but Ely can't utter the words, there's a warmth feeling in her heart when Josh gently pinch Levy's nose. She looks at Josh with a question in her mind 'does he know?' when Josh eyes meet hers, she avoids it and sips her coffee.

"Mommy, when did you meet Mr. Scurlock?" Levy asks.

Ely caught her tongue, she always has answers with Levy's question but now that Josh is in front of them Ely didn't know how to react. And she knows her daughter won't stop until she gets an answer.

"I met him long before you were born?" Ely gave her daughter a very timid smile.

"Mr. Scurlock already told me that but I'm curious how you two met?"

"Why don't you finish your breakfast kiddo?" Ely tried to avoid her daughter.

But Levy insists "How did you meet?"

"We met in Jersey" Josh answered.

"Jersey?" Levy opened her eyes widely "Uncle Errol told me that's where I was conceived."

"Levy!" Ely scolds her daughter, she looks at Josh and there's an amused look on his face.

Levy frown, she continue her breakfast.

"Jersey huh, that's interesting!" Josh said.

"It's not what you think." Ely warned Josh. "Can you please go?"

"We need to talk!" There's authority in his voice, Josh went outside the backyard.

Ely followed Josh; Josh lit a cigarette while Ely is so uncomfortable.

"Is she mine?" Josh asked he didn't look at Ely.

Ely didn't answer, Josh turned his eyes to Ely, there was anger in his look, Ely's silenced is a giveaway but he needs to hear it from Ely.

"Is Levy my child?" Josh raised his voice.

"Could you please keep your voice down?" Ely plead.

"Stop this nonsense Ely, is she mine or not?"

(I'm so sorry I need to cut this into two chapters, it would be a very long chapter if I don't and I might bore you people.)

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