She's really unwilling!

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Ely didn't expect Johnny to visit her; she was surprised when she answered the door. Johnny smiled at him, the kind of smile like he's teasing.

"What are you doing here?" Ely asks Johnny.

"Are you going to invite me in or..." Johnny turns his eyes around the house "You want to continue this conversation here at your doorstep?"

"I'm sorry" Ely apologized and invite Johnny to come in; she asks Johnny what drink she can offer while she guides him to sit in the couch.

"I'm fine, this won't take long" Johnny motions his hand and ask Ely to sit down.

Ely complied while she asks "What made you come here?"

"I wanted to tell you that I can't accept your resignation." Johnny said he didn't let Ely interrupts him "I can't take your rights with your story and I want you to know that Josh changed his mind and he will continue to do the project."

"Was it because of Ana?" Ely asks hesitantly, that was absurd considering Ana cleared everything.

"Absolutely not!" Johnny replied instantly "It was actually more because of you" and there comes Johnny's smile again.

"I really appreciate your kindness and generosity." Ely said in a shy manner "But I can't work with your brother anymore."

"Oh, please Ely" Johnny cuts her off "Will you just please quit being hard both on yourself and my brother."

"I am not, it will for the best." Ely replied.

"Trust me it's not" Johnny replied at Ely with authority "And I want you to be on the set tomorrow Ely." Johnny is not asking, he's telling her to come at work as her boss.

"Johnny..." Ely didn't manage to finish what she wanted to say Johnny stand up and cuts her off.

"You are going to go to work tomorrow Ely and there are no buts and excuses." Then Johnny took his leave.

Ely left unspoken.


First day of shooting, same crew, same cast, everyone is present except Ely.

"I thought you will take care of it?" Josh asks his brother.

"I did" Johnny answered quickly "It's not my problem if she's too stubborn."

"Did you tell her that Josh didn't quit?" Kyle asks.

"Of course I did, I told her everything."

"Everything" Ana lifts her left eyebrows. "As in...everything?"

"Everything, but their break up!" Johnny motions his hand to Kyle. He sounds impatient.

"You know what, that's it" Ana said with irritation from her voice "We need to do something because I'm fed up with Ely's actions."

"What are you going to do?" Liza asks.

"What we should do ever since we started filming Ely's bestsellers." Ana replied there is determination on her voice and a planned was built on her mind already.

"I need your cooperation, and I mean all of you." Ana threatened her friends that if they don't help her she will quit the project. But of course she was just trying to be effective and it worked, everybody agreed to help her achieve her plan.

Two more chapters my friends, well, three actually, there must be an author's note. I need to thank you guys whether you like it or not. I will complete this story tomorrow... if my internet connection won't fail me or there will be no problem with the power supply, yeah, Philippines! Hey it's a beautiful country!

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