Alexandra's Kitchen

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Ely took her smile off her face, she unconsciously gave up her smile with Josh and she didn't know why she did that.

"Please don't take it back, I really love that smile especially if you are giving it to me." Josh pleads.

Ely took a deep breath and asked: "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Josh replied.

"You constantly giving me your stare, your smile, don't play dumb Josh; you know exactly what I mean."

"Actually no!" Josh shrugged his shoulders, "I would really appreciate if you will enlighten me."

"The look, the stare, the smile, this Josh in front of me, the Josh I met in Jersey, are you flirting with me Mr. Scurlock?"

"Is it working?" Josh asked melodiously and followed "And its Josh, I don't like your formality."

Ely plastered a serious look

"Why did you bring me here Mr. Scurlock and please don't you dare answer my question with another question."

"It's Josh alright, and what do you know about Alexandra's kitchen?" Josh became serious.

"I said don't answer me with question." Ely said firmly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I just want to know if you heard about the famous Alex and Ace Merrill and what this restaurant signifies."

Ely took a deep breath and said: "This is where Mr. Ace Merrill proposed to his wife Alex Santos."

"Nope. I mean you were right about the proposal but..." There is confidence on Josh "This is where Ace Merrill proposed to his wife for the second time. They were divorced and Mrs. Merrill established this restaurant from her alimony. But since Ace is madly in love with Alex, he tried to win her back; this restaurant is the witness of their true love. From then on, when a man brings a woman in this place it means that woman is really the one for that man."

"I am not your woman Josh."

"I know, but you will be." Josh answered conceitedly.

"Josh please, let's stop playing games."

"Who said I am playing games with you Ely, I've waited for four years, to be honest I could be with anyone else but I don't want to."

"And why not?"

"Because I want you Ely." Josh looks at her "With or without Levy, I want you to be with me."

"I am with Kyle, Josh." Ely said, and she didn't know why she said that. Kyle is still courting her and she didn't say yes to Kyle yet.

"I know but you're not Mrs. Kyle Hickman yet, I still have a chance."

"Josh please stop!" Ely said, her heart is filled with joy but it's already too late for them.

"You asked me why I brought you here Ely, this place doesn't only signify true love it also gives hope, if you heard the story of the Merrill's you will have an idea." Josh stare at her and said "I am not giving up on you Ely."



As you have noticed, I mentioned the Merrill's (Ace & Alex, if you read "the wonder of you" you will have an idea who they are.)  The reason why they were mentioned was because I want to prepare you guys on my next story.

The idea actually came from a dear friend of mine here at wattpad @waitingforacowboy, she asked me if I can make a sequel of million miles away, the story of Levy Scurlock, and yeah, there will be a sequel and Ace & Alex will be on that story, it's called "Betcha By Golly Wow" the love story of Levy Scurlock daughter of Josh & Ely and the son of the Merrill's...... Ace Merrill Jr.

I will publish that story before the last two chapters of this. Hope you will like that, and oh...I forgot to mention, Josh & Ely will be on that story too, since they are Levy's parents. I didn't say Josh & Ely will end up together right? I said they will be there as Levy's parents, okay...spoilers...well, we'll see...(wink)

Million Miles Away (Pentagon Series Book II)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin