Ely & Ana

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"Ely please, can you slow down a little." Ana pleads to Ely.

Ely stopped walking, she turn around and said "I'm sorry"

"You want to talk about everything." Ana asks politely "There is a coffee shop near here; if you want we can go there."

Ely is hesitant, but Ana is really convincing. And Ely can't help but wondered if Ana had the power of persuading people.

"I'm going to call Liza and Tony if you want." Ana sounds persuasive.

And Ely can't help it, she can't say no to Ana "Alright" Ely said while she smiled at her.

Ana called Liza and asks to call Tony, they all meet in a coffee shop; Ana told Tony and Liza what happened in their meeting in full details she didn't slip any information. Ely remained quiet.

"Are you insane?" Liza asks Ely.

"Please tell me you're not serious?" Tony adds.

"I think she is." Ana took the liberty and answered for Ely.

"Wait, I'm quite confused" Tony said then points at Ana "It appears to me...after what you've been told us, everything seems okay with you, I mean you even sounded like you want Josh and Ely to be together."

"Of course, Josh loves her and she loves Josh, why wouldn't I want them to be together?" Ana answered cheerfully.

"But you're with Josh" Liza asks.

"Are you asking me as a friend or as a tabloid reporter?" Ana asks Liza.

Liza is now working part time in a newspaper, she writes article on celebrity section.

"Both" Liza answered.

"For the record Josh and I broke up, and you can write it was because of Ely, but she's not the villain, because she's the one...the long lost love of Josh." Ana state the situation clearly to Liza.

"Wait, you can't do that?" Tony disagrees "If you write that... reporters will be at Ely's butt and she can't protect herself with those loud and annoying paparazzi and reporters."

"How about, I won't mention her name." Liza winked.

"Good thinking" Tony agreed.

Ely remained silent, she can hear every word her friends said, but she had no strength to join with the conversation. Her mind is filled with thoughts that Ana and Josh broke up; it's been almost two months. What was the reason of their break-up? Was it really because of her? Who broke things up? Was it Josh? Was it Ana? Is that why Josh asked for a vacation because he and Ana broke up? Is she a rebound?

"How about Kyle" Liza asked.

"He let go of Ely" Ana said.

That catches Ely's attention. "How did you know that Kyle and I broke up?"

"He told me okay?" Ana said, her tone says she doesn't want to argue.

"He told you personal things like that?" Ely is surprised.

"Sweetheart" Ana smiled at Ely and then she continues to talk "Kyle is my friend, even before we start filming your bestsellers. He told things to me and asks for my advice. I know everything..." Ana paused and think then she shrugged her shoulders and said "Well, not everything, but he told things to me."

"But how come you didn't tell that earlier?" Ely asks with a confused look "I mean...at the meeting, why didn't you told Josh that it's over between me and Kyle so Josh wouldn't quit."

"Why didn't you tell him...or why Kyle didn't brought that up" Ana challenged Ely.

Ely didn't know how she would react with Ana's question. She froze staring at Ana.

"Honey I'm not at liberty to tell things." Ana said "And even if I told that it's over between you and Kyle would it change anything? I mean you don't want to be with Josh."

"I do actually." Ely confessed "I only answered Kyle because Josh is with you and I don't want to step toes with you then I was trapped with that, I can't take it back and told Kyle I was only using him to forget Josh, I can't hurt Kyle."

"But you did." Ana said frankly "don't get me wrong" Ana was apologetic "I'm not blaming you, people do made wrong choices sometimes...and..."

"Wait, you wanted to be with Josh?" Liza cuts Ana off, she points at Ely "You and Kyle are over, Josh and Ana broke up, so, what's the problem?"

"I don't think Josh really wants to be with me." Ely looked at Ana "I think he just wanted to turn the pain from his break up with you."

"You mean like a rebound?" Tony asks.

"Whoa! Hang on in there a minute" Ana stopped them "Ely, Josh looked for you, he hired a private investigator just so he can find you, and I hate to ruined your moment...but you know your bestseller that turn and will turn into a movie...I mean you are a great writer and one way or the other your story will have an adaptation, but Josh ask Johnny to produced that so he can be with you."

"How did you know all that stuff?" Ely asks.

"Best of friends, remember?" Ana winked at her.

"But you and Josh..." Ely is really confused.

"You know what I am so sick and tired of that." Ana turn to Liza and said "This is off the record if this somehow leaked I swear to you Liza Riggins."

"You can count me in" Liza said.

"Good" Ana continue "Josh and I are not really together, I love him alright but as a friend."

Ana paused for a while waiting for their reactions but everyone showed a look of interest; Ana had no choice but to elaborate. "There is nothing going on between me and Josh, our relationship is purely platonic, no intimacies whatsoever."

"You got to be kidding me?" Tony said.

"Shush!" Liza shuts Tony then motions her hands at Ana to continue.

"After Josh broke up with his super model" Ana continued the story. "Josh decided not to have anymore relationship because he met you already in Jersey." Ana motion her hand to Ely. "Josh told me everything, and I was the one who advice him to look for you and he did."

Ana didn't get any reaction, somehow her stories aren't enough, and she had no choice but to give all the details.

"Now why did we tell the press that we are dating?" Ana uttered the question that starts to build in the minds of her friends. "It was an act, a front, Josh is a superstar, it would be impossible to hide things from the press that he's looking for someone and he can't be with anyone else but Ely. So we came up with a decision to put an act, tell the world we are dating while he looks for you."

"I don't understand?" Tony asks

"Come on, the story is too long to repeat?" Liza said.

"What I'm trying to say is, it was an act, and there was no Josh and me."

"Wait" Ely is confused "Remember the bed scene?"

"What bed scene?" Ana asks.

"The one we took during the first month, you said you can't do it because it's too personal, I actually wanted to pull your hair because I was so jealous when you said you're uncomfortable with the scene because it's too personal for you and Josh."

"Of course it's personal" Ana chuckles "I mean we both starred in a film together but we never had that kind of intimacy for a scene. Plus I have my reasons, personal reason."

"Is that the same reason why you agreed to have a fake relationship with Josh?" Liza asked.

"I am not going to answer that?" Ana answered Liza with a threat, then she turns to Ely "Josh loves you, I've known him for ten years, I've always been there for him, he told me everything, anything, and I've never seen Josh fell for anyone like the way he fall for you. He's a good man Ely, stop your sufferings and take him back."

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