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"You what?" Ely is really angry.

After they wrapped up shooting, Josh became her constant visitor. Josh has a full month vacation before he shoots and starts the adaptation of her second novel. And he asked Ely if he can spend that one month with Levy... Every day!

Ely agreed under two conditions:

One, she has got nothing to do with 'levy-josh bonding' and second, Josh will have that 'father-daughter thing' at her home and not at Josh's place.

Josh agreed. It's been two weeks, Ely managed to avoid Josh, she usually went to her parents house, or spend some time with Kyle or went out with Liza and Tony when it's time for Josh to visit Levy.

Sometimes she would just stay home but she made sure that she won't be in a place where Josh is. Being around with Josh is not easy for her and she will avoid him as much as she can.

Then last weekend Levy asked for a sleep over. Levy said she wanted to spend an evening with her father.

"My place" Josh said abruptly when Levy asked for her permission "But I'm sure you won't Levy stay at my place, so, I was thinking maybe I can sleep here."

But Ely refused, she said "If Levy wants to sleep at your place tonight it would be fine with me." But she doubted Levy would want that and to her surprised Levy said yes. Levy spends her weekend with her Dad and her Uncle Johnny.

Ely is not used being away with her daughter, she may be gone for book signing and her work made her left levy for days but Levy was left with her parents and her brother.

Now she's away with Levy because she's with her father that was different.

But Ely needs to accept that now that Levy and Josh know each other they need their father-daughter time and that won't happen if they're not going to spend some time together.

Josh has the right with Levy and Levy is really happy on having a father, not just a father figure like her brother Errol, or her friend Tony or Kyle but her real father.

As long as Josh will not involved her with their bonding and as long as Josh wouldn't take Levy with him more than a weekend, it's alright with her. For two weeks everything was fine until today.

Levy was with Josh in the garden and she's in the kitchen when Levy run towards her. Her daughter is excited

"Dad said we will go to Disneyland, then we will go to Bahamas, Daddy said he have this house there and the beach is really beautiful and we are going to spend two weeks making sand castles and swimming."

"I was hoping we can leave tomorrow" Josh followed Levy when she ran; he took the opportunity to ask for Ely's permission while Levy showed her excitement. "I already prepare the private plane to Bahamas after Bahamas we will go to Disney and then I will send her home to you?" Josh continues to explain.

But Ely didn't like the idea that Josh already told their daughter about the trip before asking her.

"You what?" Ely is really angry "You're going to bring my child where and for how long...two weeks? And you decided to tell her first before you ask for my permission?"

"Let me explain" Josh tries to calm her.

"Explain that you planned to tell her first because you knew very well that I will never approved that, and seeing how excited Levy is will make me say yes and if I'd say no... what? Levy will think I'm the villain and you are the good one is that it."

"Ely please, listen..."

"No, you listen to me, you won't take Levy anywhere! I should have not agreed with the sleep over, God, I should have not even introduced you to her."

"Will you please calm down" Josh raised his voice a little.

"Mom, Dad, what's going on? Are you fighting?" Levy asks, worry appeared on her face.

"Exactly my point" Josh motion his hand on Levy "Do we really need to argue in front of her?" Josh pleads.

Ely asked Levy to watch television so she can talk to Josh, but Levy insist the Disney and Bahamas trip.

"Please say yes Mommy" Levy begged.

"Your Daddy and I need to talk first and I need some time alone with your father so why don't you watch your favorite cartoon first, alright."

Levy complies and went to watch television, after Levy left Ely faced Josh. She's still angry and Josh felt that.

"I'm sorry, alright..." Josh said abruptly "I didn't mean to bypass your authority here but..."

"You already did" Ely cuts him off "Disneyland is every child's dream, and making sand castles with your father, whose kid will say no to that?"

"I know, that's why I wanted to have that with her." Josh walks towards her, he looked her in her eyes and said "I know you won't like it, but I told Levy that if you're not coming with us there would be no trip."

Ely scoffs "seriously? So, now I really am the villain because you knew I wouldn't come, there is no way..."

Josh cuts her off "I was hoping you wouldn't let our daughter down." Josh didn't take his eyes of hers.

"I don't believe this" Ely shakes her head, when she turn her eyes back to Josh he is still staring at her.

"You don't believe what?" Josh moves a step towards her and he keeps on staring her.

"You are using Levy to get to me."

"Don't flatter yourself too much lady" Josh squint his eyes a little and tilt his head "I maybe in love with you but I won't used an innocent child to get you."

"Oh yeah" Ely turn her back at Josh "Then why you told Levy about the trip and why did you tell her that if I don't come there will be no Disney and Bahamas." Ely didn't look at Josh she continues to chop the onions while talking "You should have asked me first before you said anything to her."

"Are you coming or not?" Josh's tone is intimidating.

Ely lift her head with her eye brows crossed "Don't use that kind of tone on me." She threatened Josh.

"I'm sorry" Josh smiled "Please say yes, I promise it's going to be a family vacation. It's all about Levy, you, me and her as a family."

"No hanky-panky?" Ely wanted to make sure.

"As long as you behave I promise" Josh teases Ely.

"I'm serious, and I am only saying yes because of Levy. You're right I can't let her down."

"So it's a yes?" Josh's eyes spark a little.

"I am so going to regret this but yes, it's a yes."

Josh raised both of his arms up high and screamed "YES!" Then he moves both of his arms in a motion like he won on a big game or something. "I'm gonna tell Levy" Josh points his hands to her. "We are going to Bahamas." Josh is in a very jolly mood as he walks out of the kitchen.

He even turns back again and said thank you to Ely then gave her a flying kiss. When he's out of Ely's sight, Ely can't help but smile, that Josh is the kind of Josh she met in Jersey.

'He's being my Josh again' Ely was surprised with that thought "my Josh" and since did Josh became hers. Ely shook her head vigorously, and then she thought of Kyle.

She made a promise to herself that she will call Kyle later to tell him about the trip. 'Kyle will understand' Ely is sure of that.


Show me the way to your heart (Pentagon Series Book III) is already published. nothing much going yet, just an author's note. my typical author's note. and you may find it boring but still i am asking you guys to check it out. And Please, please, please add it on your library. if you do really love me huhuhu. kidding! but i do really hope you will do that.

Million Miles Away (Pentagon Series Book II)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें