The remainder of the journey consisted of silence, besides the few times one of them would attempt another conversation but watch it slowly trail off. It wasn't awkward, there just wasn't really much for them to talk about.

Shortly later, the taxi pulled up outside the church, where some still hovered by the door awaiting his arrival. When they climbed from their seats and walked towards the entrance, they came face to face with Liz, muttering something about how they were five minutes late and Calum had been there for ages.

"I have to say," Michael raised his eyebrows, "I think this is the first time Calum has ever been on time for something important."

Liz smiled fondly, having got to know Michael over the recent months and now seeing him as her own just as much as she did the other three. "That'll be because he's with Ashton, a real stickler for punctuality that one."

Luke chuckled, knowing she was right. There was no way Calum would have been on time otherwise.

"Are you ready?" Liz asked, holding out a hand for Luke to take. The blond smiled as he felt his cheeks burn a little, understanding exactly what she was doing. The memory was far too strong for him to fight it, but he didn't want to. Because little over a year ago that one statement had changed his life, as he fell in love with the billionaire that very night.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Michael pushed open the wooden door, to reveal an aisle showered with carefully picked rose petals and lined with slowly burning candles. Grand stained glass windows on the east and west sides of the buildings allowed streams of golden, red and purple sunlight into the church, uplifting the spirits of everyone inside.

The pews from the back and right to the front were packed full of people. As Luke began to make his way towards the front, with Michael and Liz either side of him, the people all rose to their feet and the blond could finally acknowledge those who had come to celebrate such a special day with him.

He smiled at Ashton's mum and younger siblings Lauren and Harry, earning three enthusiastic waves in return. Then Luke nodded at a group of people who he assumed to be Calum's family, as they shared a similar skin tone and sat so formally it suggested they could be nothing less than Hood's. A few of them nodded back, seeing the blond for the first time and wanting to show their support.

Some of Luke's family was present also, a few aunts and uncles who he hadn't spoken to in years and a cousin who must have flown half way around the world to be there. In fact, almost everyone who had received an invite had showed, much to his surprise.

As they neared the front, Michael smiled at Luke before patting him hard on the back. "Good luck, Hemmings."

The blond thanked him, watching as his now purple haired friend went to sit beside his parents. It had reached a point earlier in the year when none of them were talking, Michael having complained about how they were always away and never got to spend any time with him. But after hearing about Calum's parents rejecting him as one of the family over his choice of husband, they had decided to change their ways and do more to be there for their son.

At the front of the church, Luke watched with admiration as Calum turned around and their gazes met. It was like the first time they met all over again, the audience could almost see the passion and desire radiating from their bodies.

billionaire - cakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon