[2] Meeting

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Luke had completely zoned out, one minute in a busy hall that smelt of alcohol and cheap perfume and the next in a quiet bedroom facing a boy he barely knew. He couldn't even remember how he had moved between the two places, everything was a colourful blur.

"Cool party," he laughed awkwardly, slipping his clammy hands into the front pockets of his jeans and trying to appear somewhat comfortable with the situation.

"Thanks," Calum grinned. "It was my mum and dad who organised it all, I didn't even know until this morning when they told me to dress in my smartest clothes and stay in my room until they said otherwise. How great is that?"

"Yeah, that's great I guess. And uh, happy birthday," Luke managed to choke out, his cheeks burning up a little as the corners of his mouth rose into a small smile.

"I know, it's amazing. I can't believe I'm 19, I mean I got so much cool stuff. A new phone, another TV, a new car..."

Whilst Calum sat on his bed listing all the expensive presents he had received, Luke stood by the door, twiddling his thumbs and admiring the room. He wasn't sure you could exactly call it a bedroom, given that it was about the size of all the rooms in his house put together. A large proportion of the space was taken up by the king-sized bed that was positioned up against the wall, a silk sheet covering the mattress.

What surprised him most, however was the lack of clothes - or anything - on the floor. It seemed so weird; Luke knew from the state of his own bedroom that it was normal for a teenager to leave a trail of mess wherever they go. But here, there wasn't a thing out of place.

Luke was aware that Calum probably had maids to tidy up for him, but from the way he held himself and how he dressed and talked, it was as if there was no teenager left in Calum.

That wasn't a nice thought.

There was also a door on the far side of the room, and he suddenly became aroused by curiosity. They were at the back of the house, so there was no way that there was another room behind the door, especially judging by the size of the rooms in Calum's house. "What's in there?"

"Behind the door?" Luke simply nodded. "Oh, that's just my wardrobe."

"Just your wardrobe? Are you kidding me?"

"Well, obviously not, haven't you been paying attention? I have everything," Calum stated through light chuckles, as though it wasn't something to be made a deal of.

"I don't like you."

"What's not to like? Luke, I'm a billionaire."

Luke scoffed and stared at the ground, annoyed that Calum thought so highly of himself just because he was more privileged than most. It seemed so ridiculously stupid that someone with everything could still desire more, yet there were people who would do anything to have nearly as much as him. But, Luke had encountered enough selfish people in his life to know that Calum was no worse.

Fighting the urge to walk out and leave, with the intention of never seeing Calum again, he slowly unclenched his fists and calmed himself down. Luke managed to convince himself that Calum wasn't necessarily a bad person, it was the way he had been raised that was at fault. He didn't know any better.

Of course, that didn't mean that Luke had to like Calum.

Because he certainly didn't.

Nope, not one bit.


His mum placed a hand on his knee as the taxi pulled away from the party. "So what happened?"

"Between me and Calum? Oh, nothing interesting. How was it for you?"

She immediately caught on that Luke didn't want to talk about it, so continued down the path that her son was so insistent on following. "It was okay, boring, but okay."

"And that man? Don't lie, he was obviously flirting with you."

"So you saw that," she chuckled and awkwardly looked down, "yeah he was nice. I think it's about time that I move on, you have to understand that Luke. Your dad is gone, and it's best for both of us if we move on."

He grinned. "So when's your first date?"

"Am I really that easy to see through? Well if you must know, he's taking me out for dinner next week."

"I'm happy for you mum, I really am. You deserve to find the-" he paused, "-the perfect man.

"Thank you, Luke."

The two fell into silence, staring out the windows. Both wanted to say something to the other, but neither could pluck up the courage to. Well, one could.


"Yes mum?"

She sighed. "I know its awkward for you, coming to work with me, but there's this open day on Friday, and all the others are bringing their kids so I thought-"

"Of course I'll come with you mum," he interrupted, "you know you don't have to ask about stuff like this. I love going out with you."

"That's so sweet hun, but you do realise that he will be going too?"

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "who?"



Luke was far more reluctant upon hearing that Calum would also be going, although he couldn't quite figure out why. His mum does own the company, why wouldn't he be there?

But that didn't mean that Luke would have to talk to him.

Because he definitely didn't want to.

Not one bit.


A/n: was this okay? I kinda had to split it into two different scenes because I didn't have enough to write for them to be individual chapters so I hope it made sense?

Thanks for reading <3 xxx

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