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"Why am I still following them?" I asked Agnes as we trailed behind Stiles and Scott. The two boys unable to see me as I had left my body void, leaving the jail cell and Aneirin, reappearing beside the two teen's as a ghost. "I'm serious. It's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same." Scott said, as he opened his locker, 

 "Oh, does that include the urge to maim and kill people like me?" Stiles questioned sarcastically as he lean't up against the opposing wall of lockers.

"I swear I don't have the urge to maim and kill you." Scott replied casually as the boys went about their preparation for the training. 

 "You know, you say that now but then the full moon goes up and out come the fangs and the claws and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay? And it's very stressful on me and so yes, I'm still locking you up." Stiles replied, annoyed with Scott's casual attitude to the whole ordeal. 

"Okay, fine. But I do think I'm in more control now. Especially since things are good with Allison." Scott replied in a daze, his eyes focused on the wall as he smiled in memory. 

"Okay, I'm aware of how good things are with Allison." Stiles replied almost jealously as he averted his eyes from the love sick teen.

"They're really good." Scott repeated. 

 "I.... Thank you, I know." Stiles replied awkwardly scratching his neck as he shuffled from foot to foot.

 "I mean, like, really good." Scott said nodding at Stiles as he grinned cheekily.

"All right, I get it! Just please shut the hell up before I have the urge to maim and kill myself." Stiles growled as I laughed.

"All right, did you get something better than handcuffs this time?" Scott asked sheepishly, 

"Yeah, much better." Stiles replied opening his locker, the sudden movement of the door opening led the chains to trail out of the top shelf. The loud clanking of the metal hitting the floor led everyone to look over curiously. 

"Part of me wants to ask. The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So.... I'm gonna walk away." Coach said, looking right through me as he shook his head, quickly turning around and leaving. 

"That's good. That's a wise choice, Coach." Stiles mumbled, "You okay? Scott." He continued noticing his friends odd movements. 

"There's another. In here, right now." Scott replied as the two of us sniffed the air, 

"Another what?" Stiles asked, his attention solely on Scott. 

"Another werewolf."

⟜ ϟ ⟢

I awoke gasping for air, pushing myself up onto my feet as I moved away from the stranger, releasing soon enough that it was indeed Aneirin. I took deep breaths slowly retracting my claws as I slumped against the wall. The burning pain now only now becoming bearable, my body feeling numb as I looked up at the handsome man.

"Hello," I smirked tilting my head, my outer-ego shining through as it had done all those years ago. The urge to kill still strong in my heart even after being purified by the witches of the north. I tilted my head as I admired him, the haunter of dreams, the ghost of nightmares, the destroyer of imagination. A demon he was, his real name Nybbas - he is said to manage visions and dreams. Just my luck that out of all the many candidates who are also suffering from mental inhabitations, he chose me. 'F*cking fantastic.'

Moonlight Tryst ✖︎ Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now